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The Servoy Smart Client is a zero deployment, cross platform native application to run solutions developed in Servoy.

Zero deployment
The Servoy Smart Client uses Java Web Start Technology to distribute the application to the user.

The Java Web Start Technology provides the mechanism to automatically perform the initial installation of the application and from that moment onwards keeps the application up to date.

The Java Web Start mechanism will download the application and store it locally in a cache. On each subsequent start of the application, the Java Web Start mechanism will check with the Servoy Application Server if the cached version is still the latest version and if not it will automatically download the latest version and start the application.


The locally stored cache does NOT contain any data. It only contains a cached version of the application, in a binary format.

Cross platform
The Servoy Smart Client runs on all platforms that support Java Standard Edition Runtime Environment version 5 or higher, including:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
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