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  • JSFile
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Method Summary
Boolean canRead()
Returns true if the file exists and is readable (has access to it) - works on remote files too.
Boolean canWrite()
Returns true if the file exists and can be modified - works on remote files too.
Boolean createNewFile()
Creates the file on disk if needed.
Boolean deleteFile()
Deletes the file from the disk if possible.
Boolean exists()
Returns true if the file/directory exists on the filesystem - works on remote files too.
JSFile getAbsoluteFile()
Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.
String getAbsolutePath()
Returns a String representation of the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.
byte[] getBytes()
Gets the contents (bytes) for the file data.
String getContentType()
Returns the contenttype of this file, like for example 'application/pdf' - works on remote files too.
String getName()
Returns the name of the file.
String getParent()
Returns the String representation of the path of the parent of this file - works on remote files too.
JSFile getParentFile()
Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the parent of this file - works on remote files too.
String getPath()
Returns a String holding the path to the file - works on remote files too.
Boolean isAbsolute()
Returns true if the path is absolute.
Boolean isDirectory()
Returns true if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.
Boolean isFile()
Returns true if the file is a file and not a regular file - works on remote files too.
Boolean isHidden()
Returns true if the file is hidden (a file system attribute) - works on remote files too.
Date lastModified()
Returns the time/date of the last modification on the file - works on remote files too.
String[] list()
Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.
JSFile[] listFiles()
Returns an array of JSFiles naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.
Boolean mkdir()
Creates a directory on disk if possible.
Boolean mkdirs()
Creates a directory on disk, together with all its parent directories, if possible.
Boolean renameTo(destination)
Renames the file to a different name.
Boolean setBytes(bytes)
Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided<br/>
Will not create a new file if one doesn't exist
Boolean setBytes(bytes, createFile)
Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided
Boolean setLastModified(date)
Sets the date/time of the last modification on the file.
Boolean setReadOnly()
Sets the readonly attribute of the file/directory.
Number size()
Returns the size in bytes of the file.

Method Details


Boolean canRead ()
Returns true if the file exists and is readable (has access to it) - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean canWrite ()
Returns true if the file exists and can be modified - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean createNewFile ()
Creates the file on disk if needed. Returns true if the file (name) did not already exists and had to be created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to stream a file.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
if (!f.exists())


Boolean deleteFile ()
Deletes the file from the disk if possible. Returns true if the file could be deleted. If the file is a directory, then it must be empty in order to be deleted - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
if (f && f.exists())


Boolean exists ()
Returns true if the file/directory exists on the filesystem - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


JSFile getAbsoluteFile ()
Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


String getAbsolutePath ()
Returns a String representation of the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


byte[] getBytes ()
Gets the contents (bytes) for the file data.




var theFile = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
application.output('The file size in bytes: ' + theFile.getBytes());


String getContentType ()
Returns the contenttype of this file, like for example 'application/pdf' - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


String getName ()
Returns the name of the file. The name consists in the last part of the file path - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


String getParent ()
Returns the String representation of the path of the parent of this file - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


JSFile getParentFile ()
Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the parent of this file - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


String getPath ()
Returns a String holding the path to the file - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean isAbsolute ()
Returns true if the path is absolute. The path is absolute if it starts with '/' on Unix/Linux/MacOS or has a driver letter on Windows - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean isDirectory ()
Returns true if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean isFile ()
Returns true if the file is a file and not a regular file - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Boolean isHidden ()
Returns true if the file is hidden (a file system attribute) - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Date lastModified ()
Returns the time/date of the last modification on the file - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


String[] list ()
Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.



var d = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('plugins');
// or for a remote file:
// var d = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/plugins');
var names = d.list();
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++)
var files = d.listFiles();
application.output('Absolute paths:');
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++)


JSFile[] listFiles ()
Returns an array of JSFiles naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.



var d = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('plugins');
// or for a remote file:
// var d = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/plugins');
var names = d.list();
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++)
var files = d.listFiles();
application.output('Absolute paths:');
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++)


Boolean mkdir ()
Creates a directory on disk if possible. Returns true if a new directory was created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to create the directory instead.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four');
f.mkdirs(); // Create all four levels of folders in one step.
var g = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four/five');
g.mkdir(); // This will work because all parent folders are already created.


Boolean mkdirs ()
Creates a directory on disk, together with all its parent directories, if possible. Returns true if the hierarchy of directories is created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to create the directories instead.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four');
f.mkdirs(); // Create all four levels of folders in one step.
var g = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four/five');
g.mkdir(); // This will work because all parent folders are already created.


Boolean renameTo (destination)
Renames the file to a different name. Returns true if the file could be renamed - works on remote files too.


{Object} destination



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
// f.renameTo('/otherstory.txt');


Boolean setBytes (bytes)
Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided<br/>
Will not create a new file if one doesn't exist




{byte[]} bytes - the data


Boolean - true if the operation worked


var file = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('/pathTo/file.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var file = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/remotePathTo/file.jpg');
var success = file.setBytes(blobDataProvider, true);


Boolean setBytes (bytes, createFile)
Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided




{byte[]} bytes - the data
{Boolean} createFile - true to create a file if it doesn't exist


Boolean - true if the operation worked


var file = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('/pathTo/file.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var file = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/remotePathTo/file.jpg');
var success = file.setBytes(blobDataProvider, true);


Boolean setLastModified (date)
Sets the date/time of the last modification on the file.


{Object} date



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// Make the file look old.
f.setLastModified(new Date(1999, 5, 21));


Boolean setReadOnly ()
Sets the readonly attribute of the file/directory. Returns true on success.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('invoice.txt');
plugins.file.writeTXTFile(f, 'important data that should not be changed');


Number size ()
Returns the size in bytes of the file. Returns 0 if the file does not exist on disk - works on remote files too.



var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');

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