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  • Defining a Data Model

Versions Compared


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Other than programming scope, the only difference between the two is that globals can be used as keys in relations.

Design-Time Properties

Design-Time Properties is a feature that allows setting properties on a form or a form element at design time, which can be retrieved at runtime.

Form Designer

In form designer, design-time properties can be set from the Properties view. Select the form or element and set the designProperties property to add/edit/remove design-time properties.

Solution Model API

A property can be set/removed from a form or an element via the Solution Model:

Code Block
// set design-time prop on a form
var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
frm.putDesignTimeProperty('myprop', 'lemon')
// get the property
var prop = frm.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')
// remove the property
// same on an element:
var fld = frm.getField('myfield')
fld.putDesignTimeProperty('myprop', 'strawberry')
prop = fld.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')

JavaScript API (runtime elements)

In scripting, the runtime elements and forms have getters to retrieve the design-time properties:

Code Block
var prop = elements.myLabel.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')
prop = controller.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')


Relations, at design-time model associations between two tables by joining on key data providers. At runtime, a relation becomes a context-sensitive programming reference to related data. Thus, relations are simple, but powerful mechanisms to display, edit and search for data from any context. They can be used, not only to model simple database relations, but also to create sophisticated filters and searches.

Design-Time Properties of Relations

Relations have several design-time properties that dictate how related foundsets will behave at runtime.

Source Table 

Can be any database table or view from any named server connection.

At runtime, a related foundset will exist in the context of a single record from the source table. For example, the relation customer_to_orders, will become available in the context of any record in a foundset which is based on the customers table.

Destination Table

Can be any database table or view from any named server connection and is not limited to the same database as the destination table.

At runtime, a related foundset will contain records from the destination table


The destination table can exist in a separate database from the source table. This is a powerful feature, but it is worth noting that a related foundset, who's relation is defined across two databases will not be available when the source foundset is in find mode. This is because a related find requires a SQL JOIN, which cannot be issued across databases for all vendors.

Relation Items

The nature of the relation between the source and destination tables is defined by one or more Relation Items. Relation Items are expressions, each consisting of a pair of key data providers (one from each table) and a single operator.

Source Data Provider


Destination Data Provider

The Relation Items will be used to constrain the records that are loaded in the related foundset, such that records are loaded only when all of the expressions evaluate to be true.

Example: This example creates a relation between the customers and the orders table. A related foundset will only load orders records with a customerid equal to the customerid in the context of the source customer record.

Source (customers table)


Destination (orders table)




Data Providers

One data provider from each table will serve as an operand in the key-pair expression. Therefore, both data providers must share the same data type. Columns, calculations and global variables may all be used as the source data provider. However, only columns may be used for the destination data provider.

Source Data Provider - Available Types

  • Columns
  • Calculations
  • Global Variables

Destination Data Provider - Available Types

  • Columns Only

Related foundsets are loaded in the context of a single source table record, which is already known. Therefore, any global variables, as well as the source record's calculations can be evaluated and used as a key. However, only columns from the destination table can be used as the dynamic data providers cannot be evaluated on behalf of destination records before they are loaded.


Each key pair expression is evaluated using a single operator. Certain operators are only applicable to certain data types. Below is a list of all available operators and the data types for which they are applicable.






Data Types






Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




Greater Than


Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




Less Than


Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




Greater Than or Equal To


Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




Less Than or Equal To


Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




NOT Equal To


Text, Integer, Number, Datetime




SQL Like use with '%' wildcards




not like


SQL Not Like use with '%' wildcards






Case-Insensitive Equals






Case-Insensitive NOT Equal To






Case-Insensitive SQL Like




#not like


Case-Insensitive SQL NOT Like







Relations, at design-time model associations between two tables by joining on key data providers. At runtime, a relation becomes a context-sensitive programming reference to related data. Thus, relations are simple, but powerful mechanisms to display, edit and search for data from any context. They can be used, not only to model simple database relations, but also to create sophisticated filters and searches.

Design-Time Properties of Relations

Relations have several design-time properties that dictate how related foundsets will behave at runtime.

Source Table 

Can be any database table or view from any named server connection.

At runtime, a related foundset will exist in the context of a single record from the source table. For example, the relation customer_to_orders, will become available in the context of any record in a foundset which is based on the customers table.

Destination Table

Can be any database table or view from any named server connection and is not limited to the same database as the destination table.

At runtime, a related foundset will contain records from the destination table


The destination table can exist in a separate database from the source table. This is a powerful feature, but it is worth noting that a related foundset, who's relation is defined across two databases will not be available when the source foundset is in find mode. This is because a related find requires a SQL JOIN, which cannot be issued across databases for all vendors.

Relation Items

The nature of the relation between the source and destination tables is defined by one or more Relation Items. Relation Items are expressions, each consisting of a pair of key data providers (one from each table) and a single operator and modifier.

Source Data Provider



Destination Data Provider

The Relation Items will be used to constrain the records that are loaded in the related foundset, such that records are loaded only when all of the expressions evaluate to be true.

Example: This example creates a relation between the customers and the countries table. A related foundset will only load countries records with a code equal (case insensitive) to the countryCode in the context of the source customer record.

Source (customers table)



Destination (countries table)





Data Providers

One data provider from each table will serve as an operand in the key-pair expression. Therefore, both data providers must share the same data type. Columns, calculations and global variables may all be used as the source data provider. However, only columns may be used for the destination data provider.

Source Data Provider - Available Types

  • Columns
  • Calculations
  • Global Variables (single values or Arrays)

Destination Data Provider - Available Types

  • Columns Only

Related foundsets are loaded in the context of a single source table record, which is already known. Therefore, any global variables, as well as the source record's calculations can be evaluated and used as a key. However, only columns from the destination table can be used as the dynamic data providers cannot be evaluated on behalf of destination records before they are loaded.


Each key pair expression is evaluated using a single operator. Certain operators are only applicable to certain data types. Below is a list of all available operators and the data types for which they are applicable.



Data Types



Text, Integer, Number, Datetime


, UUID, Array (in)


Null OR

Greater Than

Text, Integer, Number, Datetime



Null OR

Less Than

Text, Integer, Number, Datetime



Null OR

Greater Than or Equal To

Text, Integer, Number, Datetime



Null OR

Less Than or Equal To

Text, Integer, Number, Datetime



Null OR

NOT Equal To

Text, Integer, Number, Datetime


, UUID, Array (not in)


Null OR

SQL Like use with '%' wildcards



not like

Null OR SQL NOT Like

SQL Not Like use with '%' wildcards



Null OR Case-Insensitive Equals



Null OR Case-Insensitive NOT Equals



Null OR Case-Insensitive SQL Like


^||#not like

Null OR Case-Insensitive SQL NOT Like


Operator modifiers

Modifiers can be defined for an operator, multiple modifiers can be combined for a relation item.




case-Insensitive comparison


allow null values in the value (will result in sql <cond> or column is null)


remove the condition when the value is null, this is usually used icw a global variable holding an array of values


Text-Based Expressions

Expressions which contain the SQL Like or SQL NOT Like operators should be used in conjunction with values that contain wildcards (%).

Code Block like New% 	// Starts with: i.e. New York, New Orleans like %Villa% 	// Contains: i.e. Villa Nova, La Villa Linda like %s      	// Ends with: i.e. Athens, Los Angeles


Example: Assume that one wants to filter a customer's orders by date in different ways, i.e. today, this month, last month, this year, last year, etc. One could define the following relation from customers to orders.













By simply changing the value of the global variables (either programmatically or through the GUI), the related foundset for a customer's orders is updated instantly.


Example: Assume that a customer service rep should have a dashboard of all of their orders that are due today. This view could be accomplished using a global relation on the orders table, which could be used anywhere in the application, such as a form in tabpanel to show a dashboard view.









Self Relation

Relations may have the same source and destination table. This is called a Self Relation and has a variety of applications, such as showing data which is hierarchical in nature, or simply showing other records in the same table, which have similar attributes.

Example: When looking at a particular order record, the user may like to see a portal containing a list of all of the other orders made by the same customer as the current order. This could be expressed using a Self Relation, orders_to_orders_by_customer, containing two relation items. The first specifies the same customer, the next ensures that the current order is omitted from the foundset.










Example: An employees table is organized such to reflect a companies chain of command. When looking at an employee record, a user should be able to easily see the employee's boss, as well as the people that the employee is managing.

employees_to_employees_manager: The current employee's boss







employees_to_employees_managing: The employees managed by the current employee.







Container Relation

Container relations are a type of Self Relation used to reference the source record's foundset. To create a container relation, the following must be true:


Example In its most basic form, the value list is simply a list of values from which to choose. The values which are displayed are also stored into a data provider.



Example When designing a value list, a developer may use a pipe character '|' to separate display values from stored values. In this example, the options Yes and No will be displayed to the user, but the values 1 and 0 will be respectively stored into a data provider.



Example Value lists can easily be made multi-lingual by using i18n keys in lieu of literal values. Here the same value lists is made multi-lingual and the Yes and No values will be displayed in the language of the user's locale.



Example Value Lists can also evaluate Data Tags to store literal values that are already declared as global variables. This approach is recommended to store constant values, which are declared once in the entire application. Here a list of order statuses are used. The display values are made multi-lingual as above. And the stored values reference global variables defining constant values for each order status. The data tag takes the form %%globals.myVariableName%%.




Global Method Values

A value list can be bound to a global method which supplies the values every time the value lists is used. This option gives the developer the most control, but also requires that the developer write code, and is therefore recommended to be used when the other value list types are not sufficient. The method is invoked often, each time the value list is referenced and each time the context changes.
