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  • Developing the Mobile Service Solution

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The mobile service solution manages the synchronization of the offline data.




  1. Needs a form with name "'offline_data"'
  2. The form offline_data needs a method ws_read(version,name)
  3. If the data shown in mobile app is user specific the form offline_data needs a method ws_authenticate(useruid,password)
  4. The mobile_service and rest_ws plugin to be installed

By default Servoy will load the first 200 pks when a form is used. This is not needed in the service solution and can be prevented by calling databaseManager.setCreateEmptyFormFoundsets() in the solution onopen global method:

Code Block

function onSolutionOpen() {
	// prevent prefilling of form foundsets with default query



an Offline Data Package for the


Mobile Client

The ws_read(version,name) on the offline_data form has to return an OfflineDataDescription (=JSON) object filled with foundset data the developer wants the mobile client to retrieve. 
An OfflineDataDescription instance is created with:

Code Block

var retval = plugins.mobileservice.createOfflineDataDescription('data_');

Note: the argument is optional and is used to call rest endpoints for row data at forms starting with this prefix

Then we need to The next step is determining what related data should be traversed and sent to the client. By default (since Servoy 7.2) any relations that exist in a "Mobile Shared Module" attached to the "Mobile Service Solution" will be included in the traversal.

Alternatively, if you provide a list of relation names which should be used in traversal to find all data, like:to include, this will override the inclusion of the relations contained in the "Mobile Shared Module", and only include those relations that you specify.

Code Block

var traverse = new Array();


Lastly we have instruct the OfflineDataDescription to collect the data, starting with root foundset (containing records) and return.

Code Block

retval.addFoundSet(fs_contact, traverse);
return retval;

Basically addFoundSet in the service solution exposes an unrelated foundset to the mobile client, which can be used in an unrelated way like in a (first) form or databaseManager.getFoundset(...)
For each record in the provided (unrelated) foundset the specified relations are traversed and all data taken.



Specific Data

In order to provide a mobile client with user specific data the ws_authenticate(useruid,password) method should be added:

Code Block

function ws_authenticate(useruid, password) {
	//TODO find user and check password against pwhash column
	if (password === 'demo') { //static demo check
		return {
		var retval = new Object(); 		retval.username =username: useruid;
		return retval;}
	return false;

In the ws_read method we can utilize the authenticate username variable via

Code Block

var authenticate_info = questionParams.ws_authenticate[0];
globals.username = authenticate_info.username;

Here the authenticate username is put into a global variable which in turn can be used like:

Code Block

//prepare personal data
var fs_contact = globals.contact_data$username; //global related foundset using username global var, containing the to account manager contact record

Full ws_read method for personalized data.

Code Block

function ws_read(version,name) {
	var questionParams = arguments[arguments.length-1];

	//create return value
	var retval = plugins.mobileservice.createOfflineDataDescription('data_');

	//setting the key for user_select relation
	var authenticate_info = questionParams.ws_authenticate[0];
	globals.username = authenticate_info.username;

	//prepare personal data
	var fs_contact = globals.contact_data$username; //global related foundset using username global var, containing the to account manager contact record
	 * @type {Array<String>}
	var traverse = new Array();

	retval.addFoundSet(fs_contact, traverse);
	return retval;



Retrieving Entity(=table)


Row Data

Row/record data is retrieved in separate calls for each entity, for example for "'orders" ' row data results in a call to "'orders" ' form is made on ws_read method.
Note: If a prefix is provided in the offlinedata the call will end up at prefix+entityname, example for prefix "'data_" ' the call happens on form "'data_orders"'

ws_read is with a list of pks it wants as row data for, example code:

Code Block

function ws_read(version, method) {
	var questionParams = arguments[arguments.length-1];

	if (method == 'list') 	{
		/** 		 * @type {String}
		var ids = questionParams.ids[0];
		if (ids != null && ids != '') 		{
			var idsa = ids.split(',', -1);
			if (idsa.length > 0) 			{
				var json = plugins.mobileservice.getRowDescriptions(foundset.getDataSource(), idsa)
				return json;

	throw 404;

TIP: since ws_read for entities is likely the same, it might be beneficial to create a base form containing this logic and extend from this form



Back the


Changes from the


Mobile Client

ws_update is called for changes made by mobile client, example code:

Code Block

function ws_update(data, version, pk) {
	if (foundset.find()) 	{
		foundset.contact_id = pk;
		var count =;
		if (count > 0) 		{
			var rec = foundset.getRecord(1);

ws_create is called for new records on the mobile client, example code:

Code Block

function ws_create(data, version, pk) {
	var rec = foundset.getRecord(foundset.newRecord());



Note: the retrieved PK (and derived FK's) is always UUID's if the underlaying datamodel is not UUID based, keep and apply a mapping!

ws_delete is called for deleted record in the mobile client, example code:

Code Block

function ws_delete(version, pk) {
   if (foundset.find())
     var table = databaseManager.getTable(controller.getDataSource());
     var pkname = table.getRowIdentifierColumnNames()[0]
     foundset[pkname] = pk;
     var count =;
     if (count > 0)
       var rec = foundset.getRecord(1);



Based Syncing

By default the mobile client will do a rest call per changed row, these are separated calls so every call will be on a fresh new client on the serverside.


An example of a ws_update method on the offline_data form:

Code Block

function ws_update(data, version, authenticateResult) {
	try {
		plugins.mobileservice.performSync(data, version, authenticateResult);
	} catch (e) {
		// log the error and return false to that the mobile client will know the sync did fail.
		application.output(e, LOGGINGLEVEL.ERROR);
		return false;

This code above starts a transaction then calls the performSync method of the mobile service plugin. This plugin will dispatch all the changes to the various ws_update/create/delete methods of the entity forms. If something goes wrong then an exception will be thrown and the transaction will rollback.




If using get/setUserProperty() in the Service Solution, the properties are stored in the Mobile Client that connected to the Service Solution.
As such, a user property can be used to store for example an authentication token to be used between multiple calls to the Service Solution from the Mobile Client.

When performing custom Ajax calls to the Service Solution from the Mobile Client, for example using jQuery.ajax, extra steps need to be taken to make sure the user properties are available in the Service Solution and properly persisted. The user properties are to be send with the Ajax request as a special Request Header, identified by the name 'servoy.userproperties'. The current values for the user properties of the Service Solution are stored in the Mobile Client in the localstorage, from which they can be retrieved using the code sessionStorage.getItem("'servoy.userproperties"'). In the Response of the custom Ajax call, the possible altered value can be stored back into the localstorage using this code: sessionStorage.setItem("'servoy.userproperties"', value)
Below an example of how to make a custom Ajax request using JQuery.ajax

Code Block

var url = ....
   url: url,
   beforeSend: function (request) {
	request.setRequestHeader("servoy.userproperties:", sessionStorage.getItem("servoy.userproperties"));
}).done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
   sessionStorage.setItem("servoy.userproperties", jqXHR.getResponseHeader("servoy.userproperties")