Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


At its core, Servoy is a comprehensive platform to develop database-driven applications. As such, Servoy allows developers to connect to any standard Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). To achieve this, Servoy employs Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) technology. JDBC is a connectivity standard that allows Java-based applications to interact transparently with any database vendor that provides a compliant driver.

Servoy's Query Engine

The Servoy platform uses Structured Query Language (SQL), a standard communications protocol to issue requests to databases. The traditional development of database applications typically requires advanced SQL knowledge to adequately and efficiently retrieve data. Moreover, database vendors often adapt their own "flavors" of SQL, making database portability an issue. If an application uses non-standard SQL expressions, it cannot be easily deployed against databases other the the one for which it was developed.

The Servoy platform obviates the need for developers to write their own SQL in almost all scenarios. Instead Servoy dynamically generates all the SQL required to read and write data for all but the most complex scenarios. Servoy's generated queries are guaranteed to be optimized and database-neutral. At the same time, the Servoy platform is open and allows developers with the knowledge and preference for writing SQL to do so as well.

Named Connections

Developers will specify a Server Name, which maps to a specific database connection configuration (i.e. user, password, URL, etc). At run time, Servoy will automatically create a pool of connections for a given Server Name, which will be reused for the duration of the application server up time. Developers are always insulated from the complexities of connecting to the database.

The details of a connection configuration are stored as part of the development or deployment environment and are never part of the code base. This allows the database connection to be changed for a given context without making modifications to an application's code base.

For example, it is common to have separate databases for development/testing and production. Therefore, a Server Name could resolve to a test database in both Servoy Developer and an instance of Servoy Server used for staging. The same Server Name would resolve to a production database for an instance of Server Server used in production. Another example is for multiple, on-premise, deployments where local instances of Servoy Server rely on local database connections.

Switching Connections

While database connections can be changed transparently between different development and deployment contexts, they can also be changed within the same context. Servoy's API provides a means for developers to change, at run time, from one Server Name to another. For example, different application user groups may be required to use different connections to the same database. In another example, different customers may have their data stored in their own separate database. In both these cases, a specific Server Name is identified and used for an individual client session.

Connection Pooling

Servoy uses database connection pooling technology which provides significant benefits in terms of application performance, concurrency and scalability. Database connections are often expensive to create because of the overhead of establishing a network connection and initializing a database connection session in the back end database. Moreover, the ongoing management of all of a database's connection sessions can impose a major limiting factor on the scalability of an application. Valuable database resources such as locks, memory, cursors, transaction logs, statement handles and temporary tables all tend to increase based on the number of concurrent connection sessions. This limitation is overcome using Connection Pooling, whereby a limited number of connections is shared by a larger number of clients. When a client makes a new request for data, the application server briefly borrows a connection from the pool to issue the query, then returns it to the pool. In this manner an application can scale well beyond the limits of the database without compromising performance. Servoy's connection pools are configurable so that connectivity can be optimized to suit applications of various sizes.


  • External changes were made using the Raw SQL Plugin to update a specific database table. (This plugin bypasses the Data Binding layer and will not be reflected in the client cache. 
  • External changes are known to have been made on a specified table because a another application or service was invoked from Servoy client session.
  • External changes may have been made to a specific table by another application, but it is not known for sure. In this situation it may be ideal to periodically update the client caches using a Headless Client , which is a server-side client session that can perform automated, scheduled operations.


    For more information, see the flushAllClientsCache method in the programming reference guide.



For all programming reference information, see the JSFoundset JSFoundSet API documention in the reference guide.



See also the namedFoundset property of a form.

Gliffy Diagram
nameShared Foundsets

Loading Records

One of the primary jobs of a Foundset is to load records from the table to which it is bound. A Foundset object is always based on an underlying SQL query, which may change often during the lifetime of the Foundset. However the query will always take the form of selecting the Primary Key column(s) from the table and will also always include an Order By clause, which in its simplest form will sort the results based on the Primary Key column(s).

Code Block
titleFoundset Loading
SELECT customerid FROM customers ORDER BY customerid ASC

After retrieving the results for Primary Key data, the Foundset will issue subsequent SQL queries to load the matching record data in smaller, optimized blocks. This query happens automatically in an on-demand fashion to satisfy the Foundset's scrollable interface. 

Code Block
titleExample: Record loading query
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY customerid ASC


Load by a single PK
This is the simplest approach, which loads a single recordy by its primary key value.

Code Block


Load by PK data set
This approach simply dictates that a foundset will load records based on specified primary key data.

Code Block

var ids = [1,2,3,6,9]; 				// an array of record PKs
var ds = databaseManager.convertToDataSet(ids); // convert the ids to a JSDataset
foundset.loadRecords(ds);			// load records


Load by another foundset
This approach is useful to essentially copy the query of another foundset.

Code Block



This approach allows a SQL query fragment to be used to set the foundset's underlying query. There are certain restriction on the form that a query can take. For obvious reasons, the query must return the primary key column(s) from the table to which the foundset is bound. For a full description see the reference guide.

Code Block

var sql = 'select id from my_table where my_table.column1 in ?,?,?;
var args = [1,2,3];
foundset.loadRecords(sql, args);


Example: Sort String Format

Code Block

'column1 asc, column2 desc'	// Sort on column1 ascending, then column2 desceding


Example: The following sort string will sort, first on last name, and second on first name.

Code Block

foundset.sort('last_name asc, first_name asc');










Available Data Provider Types


Example: Sort a customers foundset based on the number of orders each customer has, in this case a related aggregation.

Code Block

foundset.sort('customers_to_orders.order_count asc');

Results in the following query:

Code Block

SELECT customers.customerid FROM customers 
INNER JOIN orders ON customers.customerid=orders.customerid 
GROUP BY customers.customerid ORDER BY count(orders.orderid) ASC


Example: In the example below, note that the foundset's size changes after the selected index has changed. The foundset's cache grows dynamically

Code Block

// Foundset size grows dynamically as the Foundset is traversed
foundset.getSize(); // returns 200
foundset.getSize(); // returns 400 because the foundset loaded the next 200 record pks


Example: The example below iterates over the entire foundset using a for loop. 

Code Block

for(var i = 1; i <= foundset.getSize(); i++){
	// operate on the selected record


Example This example iterates over the foundset, but does not affect the selected index. The performance will be better than the previous example, and will not have any side effects in the UI if the foundset is bound to a form.

Code Block

for(var i = 1; i <= foundset.getSize(); i++){
	var rec = foundset.getRecord(i);	// does not affect the selected index


Example This example shows how to access all the values in a foundset for a single data provider. Iterating over a simple array offers better performance over normal foundset iteration.

Code Block

var ids = databaseManager.getFoundSetDataProviderAsArray(foundset,'order_id');
for(i in ids){
    var id = ids[i];


Related foundsets can be chained together using relation names. Again, the shorthand implies the context of the selected record for each foundset.

For Example:

Code Block

// Returns the number of order details for the selected order record of the selected customer:

// the same as:

Gliffy Diagram
nameRelated Foundsets

Foundsets and Data Broadcasting


This essentially has the effect of issuing a SQL UPDATE statement using the WHERE clause that constrains the foundset. This presents a significant performance advantage over updating records individually. In the example below, a related foundset is updated, meaning all orders belonging to the selected customer will be affected.

Code Block

var fsUpdater = databaseManager.getFoundSetUpdater(customers_to_orders);


The Foundset Updater API can also be used to update part of a foundset. Moreover, unlike the above example, this approach allows for different values for each record. In the example below, the first 4 records (starting from the selected index) are updated by specifying an array of values for each column that is affected.

Code Block

//	update first four records
var fsUpdater = databaseManager.getFoundSetUpdater(foundset);
fsUpdater.setColumn('my_flag',new [1,0,1,0]);


The Foundset Updater API can also be used to update records individually, but still holds a performance advantage over iterating on a foundset, which has more overhead and can cause the foundset's cache size to increase unnecessarily. In the example below, each record in the foundset is updated with a unique value (A simple counter is incremented, which is arbitrary, but demonstrates that each record can be updated with a unique value.)

Code Block

var count = 0;
var fsUpdater = databaseManager.getFoundSetUpdater(foundset)


A foundset enters Find Mode when its find method is invoked. This method returns a Boolean, because under certain circumstances, the foundset may fail to enter find mode. Therefore, it is good practice to enclose a find in an an if statement, so as not to accidentally modify the selected record. A foundset exits Find Mode when its search method is executed, upon which the foundset's SQL query is modified to reflect the expressed criteria and the matching records are loaded. The search method returns an integer, which is the number of records loaded by the find. However this doesn't necessarily represent the total number of matching records as foundset records are loaded in blocks.


Code Block

// Find all customers in the city of Berlin
if(foundset.find()){   // Enter find mode
    city = 'Berlin';   // Assign a search criteria; // Execute the query and load the records

Results in the foundset's SQL query:

Code Block

 SELECT customerid FROM customers WHERE city = ? ORDER BY customerid ASC //Query params: ['Berlin']


When multiple search criteria are entered for multiple data providers, the criteria will be concatenated with a SQL AND operator.


Code Block

// Find all customers in the city of Berlin AND in the postal code 12209
if(foundset.find()){     // Enter find mode    city = 'Berlin';     // Assign city search criterion
    city = 'Berlin';     // Assign a search criteria
    postalcode = '12209' // Assign postal code criterion;   // Execute the query and load the records

Results in the foundset's SQL query:

Code Block

 SELECT customerid FROM customers WHERE city = ?  AND postalcode = ? ORDER BY customerid ASC //Query params: ['Berlin','12209']


It's important to note that when in Find Mode, a foundset will initially contain one record object. However, multiple record objects may be used to articulate search criteria. This has the effect that the criteria described in each record are concatenated by a SQL OR.


Code Block

// Find customers in the city of Berlin AND in the postal code 12209...
// OR customers in the city of San Francisco AND in the postal code 94117
if(foundset.find()){        // Enter find mode    city = 'Berlin';
    city = 'Berlin';   // Assign a search criteria
    postalcode = '12209';
    foundset.newRecord();   // Create a new search record
    city = 'San Francisco'
    postalcode = '94117';;      // Execute the query and load the records

Results in the foundset's SQL query:

Code Block

 SELECT customerid FROM customers WHERE (city = ?  AND postalcode = ?) OR (city = ?  AND postalcode = ?) ORDER BY customerid ASC //Query params: ['Berlin','12209','San Fransisco','94117']


Find Mode is very flexible as searches can traverse the entire data model. When a foundset enters find mode, any foundset related to a search record can be used to enter criteria. Moreover, related foundsets can use multiple search records so any permutation of Logical AND / OR is possible.


Code Block

// Find customers that have 1 or more orders which were shipped to Argentina
if(foundset.find()){                               // Enter find mode
    customers_to_orders.shipcountry = 'Argentina'; // enter criteria in a related foundset;                             // Execute the query and load the records

Results in the foundset's SQL query:

Code Block

SELECT DISTINCT customers.customerid FROM customers
LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON customers.customerid=orders.customerid
WHERE orders.shipcountry = ? ORDER BY customers.customerid ASC

And there are no limitations to the number of traversals across related foundsets.


Code Block

// Find customers with one or more orders containing one or more products supplied by a vendor in USA
if(foundset.find()){ = 'USA';;


Example: This operation is nearly identical to the previous search on ship country, however it matters which foundset is in Find Mode. The difference is that this operation searches for order records of a particular customer.

Code Block

// Find orders of THE SELECTED CUSTOMER that were shipped to Argentina
    customers_to_orders.shipcountry = 'Argentina';;

Results in the foundset's SQL query (notice the relation constraint is preserved):

Code Block

SELECT orderid FROM orders  WHERE customerid = ? AND shipcountry = ? ORDER BY orderid ASC


Servoy's Find Mode provides several special operators that when used in combination can articulate the most sophisticated search requirements.  Operators and operands should be concatenated as strings.



Applicable Data Types



OR: Used to implement a logical OR for two or more search conditions in the same data provider


Code Block

 // Cities of London or Berlin
city = 'Berlin||London';


Format: Used to separate a value and an implied format.


Code Block

 // exactly 01/01/2001 (00:00:00 implied)
orderdate = '01/01/2001|MM/dd/yyyy';


Not: Used to implement a logical NOT for a search condition.


Code Block

// Anything but Berlin
city = '!Berlin';


Sensitivity Modifier: Implies a case-insensitive search for text columns. Implies a match on entire day for date columns.

Text, Date

Code Block

// i.e. Los Angeles, lOS aNGeLES
city = '#los angeles';

// any time on 01/01/2001
orderdate = '#01/01/2001|MM/dd/yyyy';


Is Null: Matches records where a column is null.


Code Block

// All null contact names, not including empty strings
contactname = '^';


Is Null/Empty/Zero: Matches records where a column is null, empty string value or zero numeric value

Text, Numeric

Code Block

// All freights which are null or 0
freight = '^=';


Less than: Matches records where the column is less than the operand


Code Block

// i.e. 50, 99.99, but not 100, 101
freight = '<100';


Less than or equal to: Matches records where the column is less than or equals the operand


Code Block

// i.e. Atlanta, Baghdad, Berlin, but not Buenos Aires, Cairo
city = '<=Berlin';


Greater than or equal to: Matches records where the column is greater than or equals the operand


Code Block

// Any time on/after 12am new year's day 2001
orderdate = '>=01/01/2001|MM/dd/yyyy';


Greater than: Matches records where the column is greater than the operand


Code Block

// i.e. 100.01, 200, but not 99,100
freight = '>100';


Between: Matches records where the column is between (inclusive) the left and right operands.


Code Block

// Any time during the year 2001
orderdate = '01/01/2001...01/01/2002|MM/dd/yyyy';

// i.e.
freight = '100...200';

// i.e. London, Lyon, Madrid, Omaha, Portland
city = 'London...Portland';


Wild Card String: Matches records based on matching characters and wild cards


Code Block

city = 'New%';    // Starts with: i.e. New York, New Orleans
city = '%Villa%; // Contains: i.e. Villa Nova, La Villa Linda
city = '%s';     // Ends with: i.e. Athens, Los Angeles


Wild Card Character: Matches records based on


Code Block

// i.e. Toledo, Torino
city = '%To___o%';


Escape Character: Used to escape other string operators


Code Block

// Escape the wild card, i.e. ...50% of Capacity...
notes = '%\%%';


Now: Matches records where the condition is right now, including time


Code Block

// exact match on this second
creationdate = 'now';


Today: Matches records where the condition is any time today


Code Block

// match on anytime today
orderdate = 'today';


Example In this example there is a method which can both enter find mode as well as run a search when in find mode. In between the two different invocations of this method, the user interface is ready to receive input from the user. When complete, the user may run the method again, this time the foundset will search for results.

Code Block

 * @AllowToRunInFind
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"088B830C-2A4F-483C-A135-5FA32A010AE9"}
function doFind(){
	if(foundset.isInFind()){    // if the foundset is already in find mode, run the search;
	} else {
		foundset.find();    // otherwise, enter find mode


Example This example is identical to the above example with the exception, that for the duration of this find, the read-only property of fields is maintained. After a find, it is set back to the default so as not to interfere with other functionality throughout the rest of the application.

Code Block

 * @AllowToRunInFind
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"088B830C-2A4F-483C-A135-5FA32A010AE9"}
function doFind(){
		application.setUIProperty(APP_UI_PROPERTY.LEAVE_FIELDS_READONLY_IN_FIND_MODE, false)    // reset to the default
	} else {
		application.setUIProperty(APP_UI_PROPERTY.LEAVE_FIELDS_READONLY_IN_FIND_MODE, true);    // before entering find mode, enforce read-only fields


Apart from the built-in validation rules, Servoy allows developers to author business logic to enforce their own validation rule for a column. A Global Method may be bound to a column, such that when a validation event occurs for the column, the method is invoked. The value that is entered is passed into the method and a developer may then execute any evaluation of the value before returning a boolean value; true indicates that validation is successful.

Code Block

 * Custom Validation rule: Must be Dog or Cat (case insensitive)
 * @param {Object} obj The value that will be validated
 * @returns {Boolean} True when successful
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"655B9F0E-A1A2-4B0B-84CD-8E299546DB57"}
function validateColumn(obj) {
	return 'Dog'.equalsIgnoreCase(obj) || 'Cat'.equalsIgnoreCase(obj);


Servoy supports object persistence using String Serialization, which involves the conversion of a runtime object into a string format, which can then persist in a database column. When the column is read from the database, the persistent string will be deserialized back into a runtime object. Because Servoy uses JavaScript as its scripting language, runtime objects will be serialized into standard JSON format.

Code Block

//  Construct an object to capture some custom settings and write it directly to a Text column called 'custom_settings'
var obj = new Object(); = 'foobar';
obj.message = 'Hello World'; 

// at this point it is serialized into the string: "{name:'foobar',message:'Hello World'}"
custom_settings = obj;

// object properties at a later time...
application.output(custom_settings.message + 'My name is: ' +;

Remember that only by assigning an object to a data provider will you actually store the serialized string. You cannot set individual instance properties of an object to directly modify the serialized string.

Code Block

// For Example = 'Foobar'; This will have no effect on the data provider

// Instead
var obj = my_data_provider; // read the data provider into a runtime object = 'Foo Bar';   // Modify the Object's instance properties
my_data_provider = obj;     // And reassign it to the data providerdatabaseManager.saveData();


Perhaps the most classic use case is the conversion between SI Units, where a database is standardized on a certain unit, but an application requires that values be written and read in multiple units, often to support different locales / preferences. Imagine a database column for temperature, which is standardized on Celsius, but an application which allows data entry in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.

Code Block

 * This method auto-converts from client units to Celsius as the value is being written to the data provider
 * @parameter {Object} value The value of the runtime object
 * @parameter {String} columnType The data type of the column
 * @returns {Object} The value converted into celsius
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"303ACB93-3B0E-4B9C-9550-D78FF17343C2"}
function objectToDB(value, columnType) {

	// evaluate client unit settings

		// Already in C, just return it as is
		case C :
			return value;

		// Fahrenheit,use conversion formula
		case F :
			return (5/9)*(value-32);

		// Kelvin,use conversion formula
		case K :
			return value - 273;


Perhaps the most classic use case is the conversion between SI Units, where a database is standardized on a certain unit, but an application requires that values be written and read in multiple units, often to support different locales / preferences. Imagine a database column for temperature, which is standardized on Celsius, but an application which allows data entry in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.

Code Block

 * This method converts database values (Celsius) into the current client units for degrees
 * @parameter {Object} value The value stored in the column
 * @parameter {String} columnType The data type of the column
 * @returns {Object} The value that was converted into current client units
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"63C4D552-531C-48DB-A6C6-ED02F4603C20"}
function dbToObject(value, columnType) {

	//	evaluate client unit settings

		// Already using C, just return it as is
		case C :
			return value;

		// Fahrenheit, use conversion formula
		case F :
			return (9/5) * value + 32;

		// Kelvin, use conversion formula
		case K :
			return value + 273;


The application talks to a database that is storing dates as 8-character text columns to support legacy applications. By setting the Converted Object Type setting to DATETIME, Servoy will treat the column as a date object. Moreover, the two conversion methods written by the developer should assume the Object Value is a Date object.

Code Block

 * This method converts Text data stored in the database column, presenting it as Date object
 * @parameter {Object} value The value stored in the column
 * @parameter {String} columnType The data type of the column
 * @returns {Object} The value that was converted
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"16BDC049-E63B-47C4-B49C-595D916FD51B"}
function dbToObj(value, columnType) {
	return utils.dateFormat(value,'MMddyyyy');


A simple calculation subtotal on a database table order_details which yields a Number value; the unit price, multiplied by the quantity, with a discount applied.

Code Block

 * @properties={type:6,typeid:36,uuid:"644DCF7D-11C7-475E-82CD-F4F60ED00D77"}
function subtotal()
	return unitprice * quantity * (1 - discount);


This calculation could now be placed on a form or used in a method, just like any other real database column. The next code example shows another calculation, this time declared for the orders table, which uses the previous calculation to determine the total amount for the entire order.

Code Block

 * @properties={type:6,typeid:36,uuid:"d5458801-bbd2-43a1-994d-4ac2f6d12595"}
function order_total()
	var sum = 0;
	for(var i = 1; i <= orders_to_order_details.getSize(); i++){
		sum += orders_to_order_details.getRecord(i).subtotal;
	return sum + frieght;


Example In this example, a record-level variable is created by defining an empty calculation. 

Code Block

*  defined in my table.js
 * @properties={type:12,typeid:36,uuid:"32BE69DF-289E-45A6-A347-50271F3F29D7"}
function record_flag()
	// NO return statement / value

Next a method illustrates how the calculation may be used to store, in memory, information about the record.

Code Block

 * @param {JSEvent} event
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"75E3667B-AED9-4E79-ADE8-CCBED66A8D2F"}
function flagSelectedRecord(event){

	// toggles the flag between 0 & 1
		record_flag = 0
	} else {
		record_flag = 1;


Assume an aggregation, record_count, declared on the customer table. The aggregation type is count and the column is customerid. The aggregation is available for any foundset based on the customers table.

Code Block

function printRecordCcount(event) {function printRecordCcount(event) {
	application.output(record_count);		// print record count before find
	if(foundset.find()){				// Find all customers where city starts with 'B'
		city = 'B%';;
		application.output(record_count);	// print the record count after find

After the find, the aggregation is re-queried using the foundset's new WHERE clause.

Code Block

SELECT COUNT(customerid) AS record_count FROM customers WHERE city LIKE ? LIMIT ?


This is an example of an onRecordDelete handler for an invoices table. The data rule is that posted invoices will never be deleted by a the application.

Code Block

 * Record pre-delete trigger.
 * Validate the record to be deleted.
 * When false is returned the record will not be deleted in the database.
 * When an exception is thrown the record will also not be deleted in the database but it will be added to databaseManager.getFailedRecords(),
 * the thrown exception can be retrieved via record.exception.getValue().
 * @param {JSRecord} record record that will be deleted
 * @returns {Boolean} true to allow a delete
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"A3F02F99-B899-46BE-9125-66E4189F043F"}
function onRecordDeleteInvoice(record) {

		throw "Cannot delete a posted invoice";

	return true;


This is an example of an afterRecordInsert handler for a projects table. The data rule is that a new project record will be linked, via the projects_users table, to the current user.

Code Block

 * Record after-insert trigger.
 * @param {JSRecord} record record that is inserted
 * @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"92834B20-1CAC-472F-B022-DD97FEFEA792"}
function afterRecordInsert(record) {
	if(record.projects_to_projects_users.newRecord()){				// create a link record
		record.projects_to_projects_users.user_id = globals.currentUserID;	// associate to current user


  • Logical Expression - A filter will contain a logical expression which is evaluated on behalf of records in the filtered table(s). Only records, for which the expression evaluates to true, will be returned by any queries issued to the filtered table(s). At runtime, the filter will be translated into an SQL WHERE clauseand appended to the query of any foundset which is bound to the filtered table(s). An expression contains the following components:
    • Data Provider Name - This is the left-hand operand. It is the name of a single column by which to filter. When filtering an entire server connection, only tables which contain the named column will be filtered.
    • Operator - The following operators are supported 


      Only records whose column equals the specified value


      Only records whose column is less than the specified value


      Only records whose column greater than the specified value


      Only records whose column greater than or equals the specified value


      Only records whose column less than or equalsthe specified value


      Only records whose column does not equal the specified value


      Only records whose column value is null


      Only records whose column matches using the SQL LIKE construct (use wildcard '%' characters)


      Only records whose column value is in (using the SQL IN construct) a list of values


      Modifier, used to make case-insensitive queries


      Modifier used to concatenate two conditions w/ a logical OR


      Operators and modifiers may be combined, producing more complex conditions. For example #^||!= would translate to: is null OR case-insensitive not equals

    • Data Provider Value - This is the right-hand operand and should evaluate to a literal value to be compared with the named column.


*Example *This is a simple example which filters records in a products table based on the criterion that the status is not discontinued

Code Block

var success = databaseManager.addTableFilterParam('crm_server','products','product_status','!=',globals.STATUS_DISCONTINUED,'productfilter');

Example This example shows a two filters using the IN operator

Code Block

// Filter products within an array of product codes
var success = databaseManager.addTableFilterParam('crm', 'products', 'productcode', 'in', [120, 144, 200]);

// Filter orders using a subselect
var success = databaseManager.addTableFilterParam('crm', 'orders', 'countrycode', 'in', 'select country code from countries where region = "Europe"')

Example This example shows how to filter an entire server connection by passing <null> for the table name. This is ideal for multi-tenant architectures as an entire server connection can be filtered by a single expression, i.e. the current company

Code Block

// all tables that have the companyid column should be filtered
var success = databaseManager.addTableFilterParam('crm', null, 'companyidid', '=', globals.currentCompanyID)

Data UI Conversion

Servoy allows conversion from the data shown in the UI elements to the data used in dataProviders.
By default a dataprovider value is used directly in a UI element.
The UI element must support the data type and knows how to handle it.

A UI converter can be configured to realize the conversion between the dataprovider data and UI data.

For example, a datetime dataprovider can be shown and edited in a calendar UI element.
With a UI converter you can use any dataprovider type in any UI element.

Configuring UI converters in form editor

The UI converter is configured at element level in the form editor.
It is edited as part of the format property of an element.

The format property editor allows configuration of the UI converter (mark the checkbox and select one of the available converters).

Built-in UI converter (globalMethodConverter)