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  • Creating a keystore with a self signed certificate

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Creating a self signed certificate

A self signed certificate can be generated using the keytool utility that ships with the Java Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE). This tool is located in the ../bin directory of the Java JRE installation.

To generate a self signed certificate, execute the following command on the command line:

Code Block

keytool -genkey -alias MyPlugins -keyalg RSA -keystore mykeystore.ks  -validity 10000 
  • alias: can have any value (MyPlugins in example above).
  • keystore: the filename (mykeystore.ks in the example above). Can have any valid name.
  • validity: number of days the keystore will be valid (10000 days in the example above).

When the command is run, it will ask a couple of questions in the console:

  1. Enter a keystore password (any value, but remember it for later use).
  2. Now the keytool utility asks for a first and last name. Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host that the Servoy Application Server is running on. For example:
  3. Fill in something relevant for the rest of the fields.
  4. Enter the password for this key. Use the same password as in step 1. Just pressing return will automatically insert the password as the earlier filled in password

When done, the self signed certificate will be available as the file mykeystore.ks in the directory where the keytool command was executed.