When a Servoy Application Server is started, the databases it is configured to connect to must be running. The Servoy Application Server startup scripts do NOT start the database. The administrator of the installation is to make sure that the databases are started BEFORE the Servoy Application Server is started.

How databases are to be started depends on the type of database used. As Servoy ships with PostgreSQL by default, the basics of starting a PostgreSQL database server are mentioned here. For other brands of databases, please refer to the database vendor's documentation.

Starting PostgreSQL command line:
The code below is to be executed from within the {servoy_install}/application_server directory. Using the pg_ctl utility located in the ..\postgres_db\bin directory, the PostgreSQL database server located in the ..\database directory ("-D database") is started. The "-l postgres_db\postgres_log.txt" option indicated the location of the logfile.
{code:title=}postgres_db\bin\pg_ctl start -D database -l postgres_db\postgres_log.txt{code}