The Servoy platform is built around the following principles:

Scalable, Secure & Stable

The Servoy platform is designed from the ground up to provide a scalable, secure and stable platform. Servoy builds on proven industry standards that are combined together and made easy to use. It provides out of the box clustering support, database connection pooling and active data management

Agile development

_Out of the box productivity_: Servoy brings 4GL-like productivity, without the usual limitations that come with 4GL. From a \[single codebase\|Single codebase\] solutions can be deployed on any platform, any database on any device, in the deployment model of your choice. Features like Security, ... are built in, though fully configurable


Business Logic scripting:

Database, platform and device agnostic development:

Modular development:

Automatic databinding:

Extensive built-in scripting library:

Instant Developer feedback:

Backwards compatibility:

Single codebase

Cross platform

Cross device:

Database agnostic:

Deployment model agnostic:

Easy deployment

Built-in versioning:

Zero installation

Auto update:

Remote management:

Open and extend able

Open source:

Native plugin API:

Extensive public API:

Standards based