Running multiple Servoy Application Servers on the same machine is fully supported, although some configuration settings are required.

Each Servoy Application Server instance needs to be configured to use unique ports and/or identifying names to provide its services.

Servoy Application Server adjustments

The Servoy Application Server uses (by default) three ports:

See [Network Settings New|Network Settings New] for a detailed description how to adjust the port settings of a Servoy Application Server.

Java service Wrapper adjustments

When the Servoy Application Server is installed as a Service through the All-In-One installer, the Java Service Wrapper also uses a port that needs to be adjusted to make it unique for each instance.

Additionally, on Windows the Windows Service also has an identifying name that needs to be unique.

See Running the server as a service  for details on how to configure the Java Service Wrapper.

Database server adjustments

Note that if multiple database instances are also hosted on the same machine, each database instance also needs to be configured to use a different port. Check the documentation of the database vendor for more information.