Upon making the selection to install Servoy Developer, follow the installation wizard through the following steps:

  1. Specify the installation path. Servoy will choose a default application path appropriate to the system you are using.

    Note: In Windows machines, the default path is the root folder rather than Program Files, to allow full write access to the installation folder.

  2. Select your desired database options.
  1. Confirm or enter the database configuration or connection details as appropriate:
  1. Select options to include with the installation. The nodes for Application Server and Developer, when expanded, show the full list of options along with the space requirements.:
  1. Specify the your desired workspace location. This folder will contain your project files.

    Note: After this step, Servoy will start installing the required files. This may take some time, particularly the last step (Processing files), during which the activity bar appears to pause. Be assured that the installation is still working in the background. After a few minutes, it will say "Finished" in the center of the progress bar.