The javascript file of the bean component can put those into its scope, every webcomponent is a angular module of its own, with at least 1 directive that is describing the component itself. So the module and the one directive should be named like the bean (camel case notation so a servoydefault- prefix will result in servoydefaultName). The bean module should also include the servoy module so that the bean can use the various servoy directives (starting with svy)


angular.module('servoydefaultTextfield',['servoy']).directive('servoydefaultTextfield', function() {  
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      scope: {
        model: "=svyModel",
        api: "=svyApi"
      controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
    	 // fill in the api defined in the spec file
    	 $scope.api.onDataChangeCallback = function(event, returnval) {
    		 if(!returnval) {
		  * Set the focus on the textfield.
    	 $scope.api.requestFocus = function() { 
	      * Get the selected text.
		  * @return {string} the text selected in the field.
    	 $scope.api.getSelectedText = function() { 
    		 var elem = $element[0];
    		 return elem.value.substr(elem.selectionStart, elem.selectionEnd - elem.selectionStart);
			* Set the selected text.
			* @param {int} start the start index in the text
			* @param {int} end the end index in the text
    	 $scope.api.setSelection = function(start, end) { 
    		 var elem = $element[0];
    		 if (elem.createTextRange) {
    		      var selRange = elem.createTextRange();
    		      selRange.moveStart('character', start);
    		      selRange.moveEnd('character', end);
    		 } else if (elem.setSelectionRange) {
    		    	elem.setSelectionRange(start, end);
    		 } else if (typeof elem.selectionStart != 'undefined') {
    		    	elem.selectionStart = start;
    		    	elem.selectionEnd = end;
      templateUrl: 'servoydefault/datatextfield/datatextfield.html',
      replace: true

It is a good practice to document your components, please note the jsdoc tags in the code above.

The model and api objects are stored in its own scope and then inside the controller function the various api calls are implemented besides the onDataChangeCallback function used as a callback of the ondatachange for a dataprovider.

The template then looks like this:

<input type="text" style="width:100%; height:100%; background-color:{{model.background}};"
   ng-model="model.dataProviderID" title="{{model.toolTipText}}"
    svy-autoapply  svy-format="model.format"/>

Where the various properties are then taken from the model for specific html tags.

A handler call to the server does get a promise back ($q) where the webcomponent could register a callback on so that an event that executes on the server can return a value to the webcomponents call.