Webcomponents need meta data to be able to function in a (form) designer

On the web are some specs arising like:

http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/OpenAjax_Metadata_1.0_Specification_Widget_Overview (thanks to Paul, pointing to this one)

But i think this overly complex when using angular directives...


For example if our field component can be expressed as:

<datafield dataProviderID="record.order_id" toolTipText="hello world"/> (which is expanded to regular html by angular)

We only need to know the list of all parameters/properties and which types they are, so a beaninfo spec. json like below would suffice:

	dataProviderID: dataprovider,
	toolTipText: string,
	x: int,
	y: int,
	w: int,
	h: int,
	bgColor: color

Basically the stuff our content spec describes for element types.

So every web component consists out of 3 parts/files:

  1. the webcomponent javascript file
  2. the webcomponent html template
  3. the webcomponent spec