The following settings are applicable to both Web Client and NG Client: 


Sets the maximum upload size, in kilobytes, that a user can do through the upload/media field. 0 or not set is no maximum.

Filename of an HTML template (no <html> and <body> tags) which will be shown when an error occurs. It resides in /servoy-webclient/templates/default/ for the Web Client and in ROOT (application_server/server/webapps) for the NG Client.

<div style='padding:40px;' ng-controller="InternalServerErrorController">
	<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger" >
	<h1>Internal Server error </h1>
	<p>There was an error at the server side</p>
	<pre ng-if='error.stack' ng-bind='error.stack'></pre>

Filename of an HTML template (no <html> and <body> tags) which will be shown when the session times out. It resides in /servoy-webclient/templates/default/ for the Web Client and in ROOT (application_server/server/webapps) for the NG Client.

<div style='padding:40px;' ng-controller="SessionExpiredController">
	<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger" >
	<h1>Page Expired</h1>
	<p>The page you requested has expired.</p>
	<p><a ng-href="{{redirectUrl}}">Return to home page</a></p>


The URL which should be used or redirected to when the session expires.


The number of seconds a redirect should happen, -1 or null means no redirect, 0 immediate redirect, >0 x seconds wait before auto redirect.


Sets the threshold in kilobytes, when a temp file on disk should be made when a file is being uploaded (default is 50K).


Sets the upload dir that the file upload will use to store temp files when the upload size threshold is reached. It is recommended to set this to a file system where you also want to store the actual uploaded file, so that you can use JSFile.renameTo(). Rename only works within the same file system (so in windows C: to C: not C: to D:), the default value is the '' system property.