
{table:id=|class=servoy sSummery}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=80px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Property Summery{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#text]

{table:id=|class=servoy sSummery}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=80px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Method Summery{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[CheckBox]{td}{td}[#addCheckBox]\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\])
Add the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Menu]{td}{td}[#addMenu]\(\[name\], \[menu\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\])
Add the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[MenuItem]{td}{td}[#addMenuItem]\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\])
Add the item at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[RadioButton]{td}{td}[#addRadioButton]\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\])
Add the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#addRadioGroup]\()
Add a Radiogroup for the Radiobuttons.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#addSeparator]\()
Add the separator at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#doClick]\(click)
Script the selection (emulate a mouse click) of the menu.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[CheckBox]{td}{td}[#getCheckBox]\(index)
Get the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[MenuItem]{td}{td}[#getItem]\(index)
Get the item at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#getItemCount]\()
Get the number of items in the menu.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#getItemIndexByText]\(name)
Retrieve the index of the item by text.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Menu]{td}{td}[#getMenu]\(index)
Get the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[RadioButton]{td}{td}[#getRadioButton]\(index)
Get the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#removeAllItems]\()
Remove all items from the menu.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#removeItem]\(index 1, \[index 2-n\])
Remove the item(s) at the selected index/indices.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#setEnabled]\(enabled)
Set the the selected menu enabled or disabled.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#setIcon]\(icon)
Set the icon of the menu.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#setMnemonic]\(mnemonic)
Set the mnemonic of the selected menu.{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=property|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=100%}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Property Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=text|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.text{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Replace with description{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [String]{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=function|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=100%}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Method Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=addCheckBox|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addCheckBox{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[CheckBox]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addCheckBox{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\]){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\ \[name\]
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [CheckBox]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// when you don't define an index the checkbox will be added at the last position
// this is what you usually do to build a new menu
// minimum settings are the text and method properties
// the method can be a global or form method
// be sure to enter the method WITHOUT '()' at the end
var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox with feedback",feedback_checkbox);

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox selected",feedback_checkbox);
// set the checkbox to selected

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox with input");

// add an 'input' array. the array will be concatenated to the end of the arguments
// array which can be read out in the selected method
var input = [1,"is","the","added","input",false];

checkbox.setMethod(feedback_checkbox, input);

// create a checkbox with an icon
var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox with icon",feedback_checkbox,"media:///yourimage.gif");

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox with accelerator",feedback_checkbox,"media:///yourimage.gif");
// add an accelerator key ('alt shift a' in the below example)
// REMARK: always test the accelerator key. sometimes they will not work because
// these keys already have an 'action' assigned to them via the operating system.
checkbox.setAccelerator("alt shift a");

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox with mnemonic",feedback_checkbox,false,input,"media:///yourimage.gif");
// add a mnemonic key  ('i' in our example) which is the underlined shortkey on windows
// REMARK: setting the mnemonic key is platform dependent

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox disabled",feedback_checkbox);
// disable the menu item

var checkbox = menu.addCheckBox("checkbox invisible",feedback_checkbox);
// set the menu item disabled and NOT visible

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=addMenu|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addMenu{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[Menu]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addMenu{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(\[name\], \[menu\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\]){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\ \[name\]
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Menu]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// add a (first) submenu
var submenu1 = menu.addMenu("submenu 1");
submenu1.addMenuItem("sub item 1",globals.feedback_item);

// add a (second) submenu
var submenu2 = submenu1.addMenu("submenu 2");
submenu2.addMenuItem("sub item 2",globals.feedback_item);

// add a (third) submenu
var submenu3 = submenu1.addMenu("submenu 3");
submenu3.addMenuItem("sub item 3",globals.feedback_item);

// add a (first) submenu to the (third) submenu
var submenu4 = submenu3.addMenu("submenu 4");
submenu4.addMenuItem("sub item 4",globals.feedback_item);

// add a (first) submenu to the (first) submenu of the (third) submenu
var submenu5 = submenu4.addMenu("submenu 5");
submenu5.addMenuItem("sub item 5",globals.feedback_item);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=addMenuItem|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addMenuItem{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[MenuItem]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addMenuItem{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\]){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add the item at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\ \[name\]
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [MenuItem]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add the item at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// when you don't define an index the item will be added at the last position
// this is what you usually do to build a new menu
// create the settings for the specified menu item
// minimum settings are the text and method properties
// the method can be a global or form method
// be sure to enter the method WITHOUT '()' at the end
var item = menu.addMenuItem("item with feedback",globals.feedback_item);

var item = menu.addMenuItem();

// add an 'input' array. the array will be concatenated to the end of the arguments
// array which can be read out in the selected method
var input = [1,"is","the","added","input",false];

item.text = "item with input";

var item = menu.addMenuItem();
// add an icon to the item
item.text = "item with icon";
item.setMethod(globals.feedback_item, input);

var item = menu.addMenuItem();
// add an accelerator key ('alt shift 2' in the below example)
// REMARK: always test the accelerator key. sometimes they will not work because
// these keys already have an 'action' assigned to them via the operating system.
item.text = "item with accelerator";
item.setMethod(globals.feedback_item, input);
item.setAccelerator("alt shift 2");

var item = menu.addMenuItem();
// add a mnemonic key  ('i' in our example) which is the underlined shortkey on windows
// REMARK: setting the mnemonic key is platform dependent
// the accelerator key will not work in this and the next example
item.text = "item with mnemonic";
item.setMethod(globals.feedback_item, input);
item.setAccelerator("pressed COMMA");

// create a disabled menu item
var item = menu.addMenuItem("item disabled",globals.feedback_item,"media:///yourimage.gif","t",false);
// set the method args

var item = menu.addMenuItem("item visible",globals.feedback_item,"media:///yourimage.gif","e");
// this accelerator key will work
item.setAccelerator("shift meta PAGE_DOWN");

var item = menu.addMenuItem("item invisible",globals.feedback_item,"media:///yourimage.gif");
// now the item is enabled and NOT visible

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=addRadioButton|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addRadioButton{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[RadioButton]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addRadioButton{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(\[name\], \[method\], \[icon\], \[mnemonic\], \[enabled\], \[align\]){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\ \[name\]
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [RadioButton]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// add a new Radiobutton group
// a group will 'bind' all added radiobuttons after the group together
// as a result checking one item will uncheck the other

// when you don't define an index the radiobutton will be added at the last position
// this is what you usually do to build a new menu

// create the settings for the specified menu item
// minimum settings are the text and method properties
// the method can be a global or form method
// be sure to enter the method WITHOUT '()' at the end
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with feedback",feedback_radiobutton);

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton selected",feedback_radiobutton);
// set the radiobutton to selected

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with input");

// add an 'input' array. the array will be concatenated to the end of the arguments
// array which can be read out in the selected method
var input = [1,"is","the","added","input",false];


// create an item with an icon
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with icon",feedback_radiobutton,"media:///yourimage.gif");

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with accelerator",feedback_radiobutton);
// add an accelerator key ('alt shift 3' in the below example)
// REMARK: always test the accelerator key. sometimes they will not work because
// these keys already have an 'action' assigned to them via the operating system.
radiobutton.setAccelerator("alt shift 3");

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index

// add a new Radiobutton group

// add a mnemonic key  ('i' in our example) which is the underlined shortkey on windows
// REMARK: setting the mnemonic key is platform dependent
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with mnemonic",feedback_radiobutton,"media:///yourimage.gif","i");

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton disabled",feedback_radiobutton);
// disable the menu item

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton invisible",feedback_radiobutton);
// now the item is enabled and NOT visible

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=addRadioGroup|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addRadioGroup{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addRadioGroup{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add a Radiogroup for the Radiobuttons.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\void{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add a Radiogroup for the Radiobuttons.
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// add a new Radiobutton group
// a group will 'bind' all added radiobuttons after the group together
// as a result checking one item will uncheck the other

// when you don't define an index the radiobutton will be added at the last position
// this is what you usually do to build a new menu

// create the settings for the specified menu item
// minimum settings are the text and method properties
// the method can be a global or form method
// be sure to enter the method WITHOUT '()' at the end
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with feedback",feedback_radiobutton);

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton selected",feedback_radiobutton);
// set the radiobutton to selected

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with input");

// add an 'input' array. the array will be concatenated to the end of the arguments
// array which can be read out in the selected method
var input = [1,"is","the","added","input",false];


// create an item with an icon
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with icon",feedback_radiobutton,"media:///yourimage.gif");

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with accelerator",feedback_radiobutton);
// add an accelerator key ('alt shift 3' in the below example)
// REMARK: always test the accelerator key. sometimes they will not work because
// these keys already have an 'action' assigned to them via the operating system.
radiobutton.setAccelerator("alt shift 3");

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index

// add a new Radiobutton group

// add a mnemonic key  ('i' in our example) which is the underlined shortkey on windows
// REMARK: setting the mnemonic key is platform dependent
var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton with mnemonic",feedback_radiobutton,"media:///yourimage.gif","i");

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton disabled",feedback_radiobutton);
// disable the menu item

var radiobutton = menu.addRadioButton("radiobutton invisible",feedback_radiobutton);
// now the item is enabled and NOT visible

// add a separator at the last position or at a given index
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=addSeparator|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.addSeparator{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}addSeparator{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Add the separator at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\void{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Add the separator at the selected index (starting at 0) or add it at the end (empty).
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=doClick|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.doClick{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}doClick{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(click){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Script the selection (emulate a mouse click) of the menu.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\click
// Script the selection (emulate a mouse click) of the menu.
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getCheckBox|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getCheckBox{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[CheckBox]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getCheckBox{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(index){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Get the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\index
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [CheckBox]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Get the Checkbox at the selected index (starting at 0).
// get the menu at the last position
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

var checkbox = menu.getCheckBox(0);

checkbox.setText("Changed menu item");

// REMARK: we actually changed an original menu (item)! As a result resetting the
// menubar will NOT reset the above changes. We need to reset the menu (item)
// manually the following way:

// get the menu
// var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(2);

// get the item
// var item = menu.getItem(0);

// reset the values to default
// notice we use an i18n message here the same way you would use it with
// standard Servoy methods and plugins
// item.setText("i18n:servoy.menuitem.viewAsRecord");
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getItem|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getItem{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[MenuItem]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getItem{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(index){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Get the item at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\index
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [MenuItem]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Get the item at the selected index (starting at 0).
// get the menu at the last position
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

var item = menu.getItem(0);

item.setText("Changed menu item");

// REMARK: we actually changed an original menu (item)! As a result resetting the
// menubar will NOT reset the above changes. We need to reset the menu (item)
// manually the following way:

// get the menu
// var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(2);

// get the item
// var item = menu.getItem(0);

// reset the values to default
// notice we use an i18n message here the same way you would use it with
// standard Servoy methods and plugins
// item.setText("i18n:servoy.menuitem.viewAsRecord");
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getItemCount|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getItemCount{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[Number]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getItemCount{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Get the number of items in the menu.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Get the number of items in the menu.
// REMARK: indexes start at 0, disabled items, non visible items and seperators are counted also
// REMARK: this is especially important when getting items by the index
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getItemIndexByText|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getItemIndexByText{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[Number]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getItemIndexByText{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(name){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Retrieve the index of the item by text.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\name
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}

{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getMenu|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getMenu{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[Menu]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getMenu{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(index){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Get the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\index
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Menu]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Get the submenu at the selected index (starting at 0).
// get the menu at the last position
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

var checkbox = menu.getMenu(0);

checkbox.setText("Changed menu item");
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getRadioButton|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getRadioButton{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[RadioButton]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getRadioButton{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(index){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Get the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0).{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\index
{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [RadioButton]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Get the Radiobutton at the selected index (starting at 0).
// get the menu at the last position
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

var checkbox = menu.getItem(0);

checkbox.setText("Changed menu item");

// REMARK: we actually changed an original menu (item)! As a result resetting the
// menubar will NOT reset the above changes. We need to reset the menu (item)
// manually the following way:

// get the menu
// var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(2);

// get the item
// var item = menu.getItem(0);

// reset the values to default
// notice we use an i18n message here the same way you would use it with
// standard Servoy methods and plugins
// item.setText("i18n:servoy.menuitem.viewAsRecord");
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=removeAllItems|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.removeAllItems{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}removeAllItems{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Remove all items from the menu.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\void{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
// Remove all items from the menu.
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// remove all menu items from the selected menu
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=removeItem|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.removeItem{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}removeItem{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(index 1, \[index 2-n\]){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Remove the item(s) at the selected index/indices.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\index 1
\[index 2\-n\]
// Remove the item(s) at the selected index/indices.
// get the menu at the last index
// indexes start at 0 (zero) so index 2 is in fact position 3
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(plugins.window.getMenuCount() - 1);

// remove only one item at the selected index
// from the selected menu
// menu.removeItem(0);

// remove more than one item at the selected indices
// from the selected menu
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=setEnabled|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.setEnabled{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}setEnabled{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(enabled){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Set the the selected menu enabled or disabled.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\enabled
// Set the the selected menu enabled or disabled.
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(0);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=setIcon|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.setIcon{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}setIcon{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(icon){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Set the icon of the menu.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\icon

{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=setMnemonic|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.setMnemonic{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}setMnemonic{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(mnemonic){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Set the mnemonic of the selected menu.{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\mnemonic
// Set the mnemonic of the selected menu.
var menu = plugins.window.getMenu(0);