
{table:id=|class=servoy sReturnTypes}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th}Return Types{th}{tr}{tr}{td}{span:class=sWordList}[DataException]{span}{td}{tr}{table}\\ 

{table:id=|class=servoy sSummary}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=80px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Constants Summary{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#ABSTRACT_FORM]
Exception code for ABSTRACT\_FORM.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#ACQUIRE_LOCK_FAILURE]
Exception code for ACQUIRE\_LOCK\_FAILURE.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#BAD_SQL_SYNTAX]
Exception code for BAD\_SQL\_SYNTAX.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#CLIENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED]
Exception code for CLIENT\_NOT\_AUTHORIZED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#DATA_ACCESS_RESOURCE_FAILURE]
Exception code for DATA\_ACCESS\_RESOURCE\_FAILURE.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#DATA_INTEGRITY_VIOLATION]
Exception code for DATA\_INTEGRITY\_VIOLATION.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#DEADLOCK]
Exception code for DEADLOCK.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#DELETE_NOT_GRANTED]
Exception code for DELETE\_NOT\_GRANTED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#EXECUTE_PROGRAM_FAILED]
Exception code for EXECUTE\_PROGRAM\_FAILED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#INCORRECT_LOGIN]
Exception code for INCORRECT\_LOGIN.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#INVALID_INPUT]
Exception code for INVALID\_INPUT.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#INVALID_RESULTSET_ACCESS]
Exception code for INVALID\_RESULTSET\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#MAINTENANCE_MODE]
Exception code for MAINTENANCE\_MODE.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_ACCESS]
Exception code for NO\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_CREATE_ACCESS]
Exception code for NO\_CREATE\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_DELETE_ACCESS]
Exception code for NO\_DELETE\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_LICENSE]
Exception code for NO\_LICENSE.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_MODIFY_ACCESS]
Exception code for NO\_MODIFY\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_PARENT_DELETE_WITH_RELATED_RECORDS]
Exception code for NO\_PARENT\_DELETE\_WITH\_RELATED\_RECORDS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#NO_RELATED_CREATE_ACCESS]
Exception code for NO\_RELATED\_CREATE\_ACCESS.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#PERMISSION_DENIED]
Exception code for PERMISSION\_DENIED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#RECORD_LOCKED]
Exception code for RECORD\_LOCKED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#RECORD_VALIDATION_FAILED]
Exception code for RECORD\_VALIDATION\_FAILED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#SAVE_FAILED]
Exception code for SAVE\_FAILED.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_COUNT]
Exception code for UNEXPECTED\_UPDATE\_COUNT.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#UNKNOWN_DATABASE_EXCEPTION]
Exception code for UNKNOWN\_DATABASE\_EXCEPTION.{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=|class=servoy sSummary}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=80px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Method Summary{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#getErrorCode]\()
Returns the error code for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#getMessage]\()
Returns the string message for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#getStackTrace]\()
Returns the stack trace for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=constant|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=100%}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Constants Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=ABSTRACT_FORM|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.ABSTRACT_FORM{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for ABSTRACT\_FORM.

This code is used when a form, that cannot be created, is shown (for example, a form without parts).{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=ACQUIRE_LOCK_FAILURE|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.ACQUIRE_LOCK_FAILURE{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for ACQUIRE\_LOCK\_FAILURE.

This code is used when a database failed to lock a row or table.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=BAD_SQL_SYNTAX|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.BAD_SQL_SYNTAX{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for BAD\_SQL\_SYNTAX.

This code is used when a database exception is recognized as an sql syntax error.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=CLIENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.CLIENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for CLIENT\_NOT\_AUTHORIZED.

This code is used when an client performs an action that requires the user to be logged in and the user has not logged in yet.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=DATA_ACCESS_RESOURCE_FAILURE|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.DATA_ACCESS_RESOURCE_FAILURE{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for DATA\_ACCESS\_RESOURCE\_FAILURE.

This code is used when a database exception received an error accessing storage devices.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=DATA_INTEGRITY_VIOLATION|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.DATA_INTEGRITY_VIOLATION{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for DATA\_INTEGRITY\_VIOLATION.

This code is used when a database exception is recognized as an integrity exception (like constraint violation).{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=DEADLOCK|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.DEADLOCK{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for DEADLOCK.

This code is used when a deadlock is detected by the database.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=DELETE_NOT_GRANTED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.DELETE_NOT_GRANTED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for DELETE\_NOT\_GRANTED.

This code is used when a record deletion was rejected by a pre\-delete Servoy trigger.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=EXECUTE_PROGRAM_FAILED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.EXECUTE_PROGRAM_FAILED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for EXECUTE\_PROGRAM\_FAILED.

This code is used when an external program was not executed correctly.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=INCORRECT_LOGIN|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.INCORRECT_LOGIN{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for INCORRECT\_LOGIN.

This code is used when the user enters invalid credentials.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=INVALID_INPUT|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.INVALID_INPUT{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for INVALID\_INPUT.

This code is used when the user enters data that could not be validated.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=INVALID_RESULTSET_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.INVALID_RESULTSET_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for INVALID\_RESULTSET\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a data is requested that is not selected in the sql.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=MAINTENANCE_MODE|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.MAINTENANCE_MODE{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for MAINTENANCE\_MODE.

This code is used when a client could not be registered with the server because the server is in maintenance mode.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a user wants to view data and this is disallowed by security settings.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_CREATE_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_CREATE_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_CREATE\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a user wants to create new records and this is disallowed by security settings.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_DELETE_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_DELETE_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_DELETE\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a user wants to delete data and this is disallowed by security settings.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_LICENSE|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_LICENSE{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_LICENSE.

This code is used when a client could not be registered with the server because of license limitations.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_MODIFY_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_MODIFY_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_MODIFY\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a user wants to update data and this is disallowed by security settings.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_PARENT_DELETE_WITH_RELATED_RECORDS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_PARENT_DELETE_WITH_RELATED_RECORDS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_PARENT\_DELETE\_WITH\_RELATED\_RECORDS.

This code is used when a record could not be deleted because a non\-empty relation exists for the record that does not allow parent delete when having related records.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=NO_RELATED_CREATE_ACCESS|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.NO_RELATED_CREATE_ACCESS{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for NO\_RELATED\_CREATE\_ACCESS.

This code is used when a user wants to create new related records and this is disallowed by security settings.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=PERMISSION_DENIED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.PERMISSION_DENIED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for PERMISSION\_DENIED.

This code is used when a database exception is recognized as a authorization error.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=RECORD_LOCKED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.RECORD_LOCKED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for RECORD\_LOCKED.

This code is used when a record could not be updated or deleted because it is locked by another client.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=RECORD_VALIDATION_FAILED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.RECORD_VALIDATION_FAILED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for RECORD\_VALIDATION\_FAILED.

This code is used when a record update/insert was rejected by a pre\-update/insert Servoy trigger.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=SAVE_FAILED|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.SAVE_FAILED{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for SAVE\_FAILED.

This code is used when a javascript exception occurred during saving data to the database.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_COUNT|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_COUNT{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for UNEXPECTED\_UPDATE\_COUNT.

This code is used when a data could not be deleted or updated when expected (for example 
when a record was deleted outside Servoy and a Servoy client wants to update the record).{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=UNKNOWN_DATABASE_EXCEPTION|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.UNKNOWN_DATABASE_EXCEPTION{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Exception code for UNKNOWN\_DATABASE\_EXCEPTION.

This code is used when an unrecognized database exception has occurred.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number]{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true

{table:id=function|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:padding=0px|width=100%}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Method Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=getErrorCode|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getErrorCode{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[Number]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getErrorCode{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Returns the error code for this ServoyException. Can be one of the constants declared in ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [Number] -- the error code for this ServoyException. Can be one of the constants declared in ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getMessage|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getMessage{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[String]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getMessage{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Returns the string message for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [String] -- the string message for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getStackTrace|class=node}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getStackTrace{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=float: left; margin-right: 5px;}[String]{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left; font-weight: bold;}getStackTrace{span}{span:id=iets|style=float: left;}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=des}{td}Returns the stack trace for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\ [String] -- the string stack trace for this ServoyException.{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
//this sample script should be attached to onError method handler in the solution settings
application.output('Exception Object: '+ex)
application.output('MSG: '+ex.getMessage())
if (ex instanceof ServoyException)
 /** @type {ServoyException} */
 var servoyException = ex;
	application.output("is a ServoyException")
	application.output("Errorcode: "+servoyException.getErrorCode())
 var trace = "";
 if (ex.getScriptStackTrace) trace = servoyException.getScriptStackTrace();
 else if (servoyException.getStackTrace)  trace = servoyException.getStackTrace();
	if (servoyException.getErrorCode() == ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
 		plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error',  'It seems you did not fill in a required field', 'OK');
 		//Get the failed records after a save
 		var array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords()
 		for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
			  var record = array[i];
			  if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
             /** @type {DataException} */
             var dataException = record.exception;
				application.output('SQL: '+dataException.getSQL())
				application.output('SQLState: '+dataException.getSQLState())
				application.output('VendorErrorCode: '+dataException.getVendorErrorCode())
		return false
//if returns false or no return, error is not reported to client; if returns true error is reported
//by default error report means logging the error, in smart client an error dialog will also show up
return true