A (WYSIWYG) form designer needs component meta data to be able to handle components. This meta data is expressed in a specification.


A simple metadata specification is expressed in json format. (called the .spec definition file)

The specification defines:

In a json format:

	"name": "packagename-componentname", // String
	"displayName": "more descriptive name that is shown in the designer", // String
	"version": the component version (integer)
	"icon": "A reference to the icon shown in designer" ,
    "preview": "A reference to the preview gif to be displayed" ,
	"definition": "A reference to the js file of this component",
    "group": true // default true, so the definition file can be grouped.
	"libraries": Array of js/css definitions (map with 
                 'name'-the lib name, 'version'-the lib version, 'url'-the lib url, 
                 'mimetype'-the lib mimetype, one of 'text/javascript' or 'text/css', 
                 'group' - a false when this lib should not be grouped, default true) that needs to be included for this component,
	"model": {
	  "propertyName": type description, optional default value
	"handlers": {
	  "functionName": "function type"
	"api": {
	  "functionName": signature description json
	"types": {
	  "typename": {
	    "propertyName": "type description"

The "group" property on the top level spec or in the libraries section tells Servoy if that the definition or library can be grouped or not, by default this is allowed. This is used when a WAR is generated by the WAR Exporter. 

The libraries which contain references to external files cannot be grouped because in the deployed applications the relative paths to those resources are lost, therefore the components will not work.

Such libraries are font-awesome.css or tinymce.js, they should always have "group":false in the specification file of the components that use them.


A WebComponent specifies all its properties under the model, all the events under handlers and api has the javascript api the webcomponent has that the server can call.

Types are defining internal types that are used by this webcomponent for one or more of its properties.  (for example a tabpanel component has a tab type that describes one tab inside the tabpanel). They have the same support as under model:{}, there is no support for api or handlers on those types again because they are just container objects that push data to the webcomponent from the server.

Besides custom type descriptions any of the default provided property types can be used.


The function description in the handlers section can be just "function" or a more complex type describing the arguments and return type

"functionName": {
        "returns":  "string",
        "parameters": [
            { "name": "start", "type": "int" },
            { "name": "end", "type": "int" } 
		"private":true // since Servoy 8.3, optional, default is false

the private configuration makes the handler only accessible through Server Side Scripting. But not by the client/browser itself.


The signature description json for functions in the api section describes the arguments, type of call and return type:

"functionName": {
        "parameters": [
            { "name": "startIndex", "type": "int" },
            { "name": "endIndex", "type": "int" },
                "name": "theData",
                "type": {
                    "type": "dataset",
                    "includeColumnNames": true,
                    "columnTypes": { "icon": "media" }
        "blockEventProcessing": true,
		"async": true

"blockEventProcessing" is optional and not needed in almost all cases. It defaults to true. When it is set to false, Servoy will expect that this API call will be long-running (so it will not time out) and at the same time it will allow other events to be handled by the event dispatcher while waiting for the return value. This is helpful for example if a component would have an API call like "askForSomeValue(customForm)" which shows a modal dialog containing a form and returns a value. That API call has to wait for the return value an indefinite amount of time without blocking other events from being dispatched.

"async" is another optional parameter (default is false), which means the client side api is not called right away, but at next message sent to the client. By default all apis are sync, so they call the client and wait for the response. Async methods cannot return a value.

Data synchronization

Data modifications are automatically propagated from server to client.

For performance (and security) reasons, data modifications from client to server are not propagated by default. To enable this configure pushToServer setting on the property.

pushToServer valuedescription
rejectthis is the default, no data synchronization from client to server for this property
allowdata changes from client to server are allowed
shallowsame as allow, but sablo will also add a watch on the model (in the client) and send changes to the server; the watch is based on object reference/primitive value (more performant, but in case of structured/nested objects it will only trigger data synchronization when the objects are different by reference, even if they are actually 'equal' by content)

same as allow, but sablo will also add a watch on the model (in the client) and send changes to the server; the watch is based on object equality (compares old and new values of structured/nested objects, less performant because it keeps and compares two copies of structured/nested objects); "deep" is mostly meant to be used for properties of type 'object' - that  can contain nested JSON - and that for any change (doesn't matter how little) will send over the complete value to the server.


Information about how "pushToServer" works in particular with Array property type and with Custom object property types can be found on the wiki pages of these property types.


For example:

"model": {
   "searchfield": { "type": "string", "pushToServer": "shallow" }


Note that in Servoy, data-provider property changes are sent to server using svy-apply (servoy api call) and svy-autoapply (directive); for these to work properly, these properties should set pushToServer to allow. Otherwise those data provider properties will be read-only.


Properties can be configured with special tags that may be interpreted by the deployment and/or development environment.

Supported tags are: scope, directEdit, addToElementsScope, useAsCaptionInDeveloper + captionPriority and showInOutlineView

scope: Restricts the model property to: 'design', 'runtime' or 'private'. 

Design means property can only be assigned from designer (not from scripting). Runtime means the property cannot be assigned from designer (will be hidden in Properties View). Private is an internal property, that should only be used by component itself (so component.js or component_server.js). Will not show in Properties View and cannot be assigned from scripting.


addToElementsScope : boolean

For component type, specify whether component should be added to elements scope. Default is false, so component can be accessed only via component property. If true, will be accessible like any other element of the form.


logWhenOverMax: boolean

For the valuelist property type. If set to false, no logging will be done when only sending "max" number of items to the browser even though the valuelist does contain more than "max" items. Default is true.


allowaccess: string or array of strings

This tag can define if an edit (sent from browser to server) of this property is allowed even if properties such as "visible" or "enabled" (of the component or parent form) are false. By default, if the visibility of a component or its parent form is false, Servoy doesn't allow the modification (coming from browser) of any other property (it blocks it and logs it on server). With this tag you can say for a property that changing it should be allowed even in these situations; for example on "size" property you could say: I allow it for "visible"; or for both: ["visible", "enable"]


directEdit: boolean 

One property of a component can be tagged as directEdit for designer, this way that property can be edited directly by double clicking the component (for example text property on label/button).

useAsCaptionInDeveloper : boolean and captionPriority  : integer (> 0) (starting with Servoy 8.3)

Can be used to provide a caption for Custom Object Types in developer based on the value of a subproperty. For example if you create a table component that defines in .spec custom object types (that could also be "droppable" in developer) for columns, you might want to show as caption in developer for each such 'column' the header text subproperty value or - if that is not set - the dataprovider subproperty value. The captionPriority tag will allow you to specify in which order subproperties are checked for non-empty string values for the caption. That caption text ends up visible in places such as the outline view or in form designer for each column. You would specify it like this:

    "model": {
        "columns": { "type": "column[]", "droppable": true, (...) },
     "types": {
        "column": {
            "dataprovider": { "type": "dataprovider",
                              "tags": { "useAsCaptionInDeveloper" : true,
                                        "captionPriority" : 2 }, (...) },
            "headerText": { "type": "tagstring",
                            "tags": { "useAsCaptionInDeveloper" : true,
                                      "captionPriority" : 1 }},


showInOutlineView: boolean (for Servoy < 8.3)

In the Outline View, Custom Type objects have the name of the type as lables. The showInOutlineView:true tag can be added to any property definition in order to append the design time value of that property to the label of the custom type object in the Outline View. If you are using Servoy >= 8.3 please use "useAsCaptionInDeveloper " and "captionPriority" instead. Starting with that version "showInOutlineView" : true is equivalent to "useAsCaptionInDeveloper" : true.

Default / Initial / Predefined values

A property can have a "default" value like:

"text": { "type": "string", "default": "I am a button" }

But this would mean that restore to default or empty the property would always set that default property back. This is wanted behavior if the property has to have some default value like if a property must be 1 of a few values and the default is one of those.

If a property should allow the developer to choose in the properties view from a predefined set of values you can use the "values" attribute in combination with default (default can be one of the predefined values but can also be something else):

"horizontalAlignment": {
    "type": "int",
    "tags": { "scope": "design" },
    "values": [
        { "LEFT": 2 },
        { "CENTER": 0 },
        { "RIGHT": 4 }
    "default": -1


But for a button or label in which you initially want some text, but reverting should really clear the text, the default value is not really usable (the label text should be able to be nothing, in case only an image is meant to be shown in that label). For this we have the attribute "initialValue":

 "text": { "type": "tagstring", "initialValue": "Button text", "tags": { "directEdit": "true" } }

This is like a constructor value, set only once when the component is added.


Components can be protected using two special security types: visible and protected.

For example. when a component is made readonly from the server the component will make the its UI non-editable. However, a malicious client could still send json messages to the server and update data; that is what this properties avoid server-side.

Similarly, when a form or component is marked invisible, its data should not be sent to the client since it may contain sensitive data.

More information about how these properties work with containers can be found here.

Protecting properties

Protecting properties (of type protected)are used to protect an entire component or specific properties or handlers.

When the property is blocking no changes or function calls from the client are accepted.

For example, the editable property as defined below will be true by default, when set to false changes from the client to the component will be rejected. Also functions cannot be called from the client.

"model": {
   "editable" : { "type": "protected", "blockingOn": false, "default": true }


Protection can be done for specific properties or functions.

In this example, when protectCustomer is set to true, customerAddress can still be changed the the client, but customerName and

removecustomer are protected.

"model:" {
    "customerAddress": "string", 
    "customerName": "string", 
    "protectCustomer": { "type": "protected", "for": ["removecustomer", "customerName"] }
"handlers:" {
   "removecustomer": "function"

Protecting properties themselves can never be modified from the client.

You might also want to read about how protecting works with containers below.

Visibility properties

Visibility properties (of type visible) are similar to protecting properties. They are protecting the component and also hide the data from the client if the component is not visible.

In this example, a component's model can be filled with a customer name, but when the property visible is set to false, the component will be protected and the data will not be sent to the client. When visible is set to true, data not sent before will be pushed to the client.

"model": {
   "visible": "visible",
   "customerName": "string"

Visibility properties themselves can never be modified from the client.

You might also want to read about how visibility works with containers below.

Enabled properties

Similarly to properties of type visible , the properties  of type enabled are also protecting properties, so they can never be modified from the client. 

"model": {
   "enabled": { "type": "enabled", "blockingOn": false, "default": true }

It is important to use type enabled  if we want the value from the parent container (i.e. form, portal) to be pushed to the component. For instance if a portal is disabled, then all the components from the portal which have a property of type enabled will also be disabled.

Container security

Protecting and visibility properties on containers will protect the container and also components inside the container

For example forms are containers and the visibility of a form will protect the components inside it as well. So only when server side makes a form visible or a web component (container) from the browser asks that it wants to make a form visible (via servoyApi.formWillShow, provided it does have access itself to that form) that form will be accessible to the browser. Container-like web components can only make forms visible if they have those forms referenced in their (sub)properties (so basically server-side gave them access to be able to make those forms visible).


Servoy has 2 special controller/foundset based properties where a component also can be notified for.

controller.readOnly = true in the developer will set this boolean to a property called "readOnly" of a webcomponent, this property should be a runtime or even a hidden property. It should not be a design time property, because the system can set it at any time (to true or false). 

If you want also a design time property to control the editable state then add a second property, see example below, and then having a tag in the template like: ng-readonly="model.readOnly || !model.editable"


"model": {
  "readOnly": { "type": "protected", "blockingOn": true, "default": false, "tags": {"scope": "runtime"} },
  "editable": { "type": "protected", "blockingOn": false, "default": true }


With this property a component can do its thing to set or unset the readonly mode for itself.

It's better to have type this property as "protected" because it should only be able to change at the server, never from the client.

See as an example our bootstrap textbox: https://github.com/Servoy/bootstrapcomponents/tree/master/textbox


Findmode is a special type: Findmode property type which can be used to set all kind of other properties which are normally protected from changing on the client side. Or you can just use it as a type for any property you want: 

"model": {
  "myfindmodeproperty": "findmode"


When the find mode changes the boolean value of your property will also change. This way you can react to a form/foundset going into find mode. Like resetting a specific format, allowing any kind of input.


As an example we could have a Tab Panel that has a definition like: (note: this example does not contain the entire Tab Panel spec)

    "name": "servoydefault-tabpanel",
    "displayName": "Tab Panel",
    "version": 1,
    "icon": "servoydefault/tabpanel/tabs.gif",
    "definition": "servoydefault/tabpanel/tabpanel.js",
    "serverscript": "servoydefault/tabpanel/tabpanel_server.js",
    "libraries": [{ "name": "accordionpanel", "version": "1", "url": "servoydefault/tabpanel/accordionpanel.css", "mimetype": "text/css" }],
    "model": {
        "background": "color",
        "borderType": { "type": "border", "stringformat": true },
        "enabled": { "type": "enabled", "blockingOn": false, "default": true },
        "fontType": { "type": "font", "stringformat": true },
        "foreground": "color",
        "horizontalAlignment": { "type": "int", "tags": { "scope": "design" }, "values": [{ "LEFT": 2 }, { "CENTER": 0 }, { "RIGHT": 4 }], "default": -1 },
        "location": "point",
        "readOnly": "protected",
        "selectedTabColor": "color",
        "size": { "type": "dimension", "default": { "width": 300, "height": 300 } },
        "styleClass": { "type": "styleclass", "tags": { "scope": "design" }, "values": [] },
        "tabIndex": { "type": "object", "pushToserver": "shallow" },
        "tabOrientation": { "type": "int", "tags": { "scope": "design" }, "values": [{ "default": 0 }, { "TOP": 1 }, { "HIDE": -1 }] },
        "tabSeq": { "type": "tabseq", "tags": { "scope": "design" } },
        "tabs": { "type": "tab[]", "droppable": true },
        "transparent": "boolean",
        "visible": "visible"
    "handlers": {
        "onChangeMethodID": "function",
        "onTabChangeMethodID": "function"
    "api": {
        "addTab": {
            "returns": "boolean",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "form/formname",
                "type": "object []"
            }, {
                "name": "name",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "tabText",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "tooltip",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "iconURL",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "fg",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "bg",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "relatedfoundset/relationname",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
            }, {
                "name": "index",
                "type": "object",
                "optional": true
        "getMaxTabIndex": {
            "returns": "int"
        "getMnemonicAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "getSelectedTabFormName": {
            "returns": "string"
        "getTabBGColorAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "unnamed_0",
                "type": "int"
        "getTabFGColorAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "getTabFormNameAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "getTabNameAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "getTabRelationNameAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "getTabTextAt": {
            "returns": "string",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "isTabEnabled": {
            "returns": "boolean",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "unnamed_0",
                "type": "int"
        "isTabEnabledAt": {
            "returns": "boolean",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
        "removeAllTabs": {
            "returns": "boolean"
        "removeTabAt": {
            "returns": "boolean",
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "index",
                "type": "int"
        "setMnemonicAt": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "index",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "text",
                "type": "string"
        "setTabBGColorAt": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "unnamed_0",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "unnamed_1",
                "type": "string"
        "setTabEnabled": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "unnamed_0",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "unnamed_1",
                "type": "boolean"
        "setTabEnabledAt": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "b",
                "type": "boolean"
        "setTabFGColorAt": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "i",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "s",
                "type": "string"
        "setTabTextAt": {
            "parameters": [{
                "name": "index",
                "type": "int"
            }, {
                "name": "text",
                "type": "string"
    "types": {
        "tab": {
            "name": "string",
            "containsFormId": "form",
            "text": "tagstring",
            "relationName": "relation",
            "active": "boolean",
            "foreground": "color",
            "disabled": "boolean",
            "imageMediaID": "media",
            "mnemonic": "string"

Server Side Scripting

A component or service can have a serverside part, so logic is executed on the server, in the spec file this is configured like:

"serverscript": "servoydefault/tabpanel/tabpanel_server.js",

See Server Side Scripting for more info about server side scripting.


Palette categories

Web Components are organized in component packages. The palette of the WYSIWYG editor shows components grouped by package name. To further group components from the same package, the property 'categoryName' can be used. 'categoryName' is a property that each component can specify in its spec file. The palette then displays components belonging to the same category grouped under the specified 'categoryName'.


	"name": "packagename-componentname",
	"displayName": "String more descriptive name that is shown in the designer",
	"categoryName": "Advanced",