The Servoy Blobloader provides a convenient way to access files stored in a database column or a global variable and use it as if it were part of the Servoy Media library.

The Servoy Blobloader is a media URL, with arguments indicating where to retrieve the file from:

var URL = 'media:///servoy_blobloader?servername=' + currentcontroller.getServerName() + '&tablename=XXXXX&dataprovider=YYYYY&rowid1=' + ZZZZZ+'&mimetype='+AAAAA+'&filename='+BBBBBB
return '<html><body><a target="_blank" href="'+URL+'">test</a></body></html>';
var URL = 'media:///servoy_blobloader?global=''+'&mimetype='+AAAAA+'&filename='+BBBBBB
return '<html><body><a target="_blank" href="'+URL+'">test</a></body></html>';
