* Unit testing support
* JavaScript Function parameter and JSDoc support
* Configurable JavaScript formatting
* Integration with SQL Explorer Eclipse plugin
* JavaScript Profiler
* Eclipse update to 3.5/Galileo
* Tomcat update to version 6.0.20
* Sybase update to version 11 (this drops all servoy support for Mac PPC)

h4.Solution development:
* Data Drag and Drop
* Client Design mode
* Full support for linked relations in scripting and UI design 
* Improved form inheritance support
* Web Client anchoring support
* Key events
* Foundset Multiselect support
* ValueList fallback support
* Extended i18n support

* Application clustering using Terracotta
* Maintenance mode with pre\- and post import hooks
* Mark Database Servers as a clone of ...., to have Servoy automatically update mulitple clones of the same database model on import

{builder-show:permission=view|spacekey=DOCS|pagetitle:New in this release}For more detail, see [DOCS:New in this release].{builder-show}
{hidden}{builder-show:permission=view|spacekey=DOCS|pagetitle:Reviewers Guide}[DOCS:Reviewers Guide]\\{builder-show}{hidden}
{builder-show}[Free trail|http://servoy.com/generic.jsp?mt=393&taxonomy_id=553]\\{builder-show}
{hidden}{builder-show:permission=view|spacekey=DOCS|pagetitle: Getting started}[DOCS:Getting started]\\{builder-show}{hidden}

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