When multiple Servoy Application Servers are used to host the same set of solutions to the same group of users, a HTTP Server can be added to the infrastructure to:

When multiple Servoy Application Servers are used to host the same set of solutions to the same group of users, sharing the same set of databases, Servoy Cluster can be put to use. Using Servoy Cluster all clustered Servoy Application Servers become one virtual Servoy Application Server. For more information see Clustering

There are multiple ways to setup Load Balancing and the single point of entry, for example:

This chapter describes the process of setting up and using Apache HTTP Server. This manual doesn't replace the documentation of the Apache HTTP Server itself, as it details the bare minimum to install Apache HTTP Server and do the required configuration to make the Apache HTTP Server work with the Servoy Application Server instances.

This chapter also contains useful information when setting up Load Balancing using different tools than Apache HTTP Server, as it shows configuration changes needed for Servoy Application Servers to run in a similar setup

After setting up HTTP Server to act as single point of entry for connecting clients and as Load Balancer, all connecting clients will connect to the HTTP Server's url. The HTTP Serverwill dispatch the request to one of the Servoy Application Servers which will then continue to service the client.

Servoy Smart Clients will connect directly to the individual Servoy Application Server in the cluster to which they have been directed by the HTTP Server.