Webcomponents need meta data to be able to function in a (form) designer

On the web are some specs arising like:

http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/OpenAjax_Metadata_1.0_Specification_Widget_Overview (thanks to Paul for pointing us to this one)

But i think this overly complex when using angular directives...


For example if our field component can be expressed in html as:

<datafield dataProviderID="record.order_id" toolTipText="hello world" onAction="true"/>

which is expanded by angular to real html.

We only need to know the list of all parameters/properties and which types they are, so a beaninfo spec. (json) as below would suffice:

name: 'datafield',
displayName: 'Data Field',
definition: 'servoydefault/datafield/datafield.js',
properties: {
	dataProviderID: "dataprovider",
	toolTipText: "tagstring",
	bgColor: "color",
	onAction: "function",
    direction: {
		type: 'values',
		values [ { real: 1, display: 'left' }, { real: 2, display: 'right' }  ]
		default: 0

Basically the stuff our content spec describes for element types.


Event handlers are pushed via handlers, for exanmple databutton.html:

<input style="width:100%; height:100%; background-color:{{model.background}};" value="{{model.dataProviderID}}" type="button" title="{{model.toolTipText}}"  ng-click="handlers.onActionMethodID($event)" />


The handler will return a promise object which can be used to get the value returned by the method on the server:

      controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
          $scope.callMyHandler = function(ev) {
              var promise = this.handlers.onMyEvent(ev)
              promise.then(function(ret) {
                  alert('Success: ' + ret);
                }, function(reason) {
                  alert('Failed: ' + reason);
                }, function(update) {
                  alert('Got notification: ' + update);


For the prototype we could even generate these for all default "servoy" components, like datafield, databutton,etc.