The developer is based on Eclipse 4.18 (2020.12) which requires Java 11, we ship with Java 15.0.2

Upgraded for NGClient a few core javascript packages to the latest releases: (
1> Angular to 1.8.2
2> JQuery to 3.5.1
3> Angular translate to 2.18.4

and the html area (default and servoy extra package) upgraded TinyMCE to 5.7.0

Added support for the Content Security Policy header 'frame-ancestors' (
The default value is 'self' so it only allows embedding of NGClient on the same host. This can be changed on the admin page.
This property could only be set by using headers (not <meta> tags in the html page itself)
So we moved all CSP headers to use header tags instead of a meta tag.

Streaming files api on the File Plugin (
plugins.file.streamFile(...) is added so no need anymore to read files fully in to memory.
It can stream any file on disk that you want, you only need to explicitly say that in servoy code (give a file path)

SQL Case When support in the query builder. (

SQL keywords are now more relaxed, stuff that needed to be quoted are now defined per database (
But your are still allowed to use them. Only keywords that are also illegal to use in scripting (like "function") are still not allowed.
Besides this if a specific database needs some other names to be quoted you can provide your own now through a servoy property:

We changed the way what you can test against WebComponents a bit in jsunit tests (
this only really applies to the solution model part, for testing actual ui components a E2E test is needed (a browser)
This could have a side effect that the jsunit test runner now expects to have sablo and ngclient jars it its classpath.
We adjusted the software factory build script:
So it could be that if you have your own or copied it from there you need to change this also on your end.