Interacting with the browser environment through the WebClientUtils plugin

The WebClientUtils plugin is a plugin that is not part of the default distribution of Servoy, but is hosted on ServoyForge.

The plugin adds the following capabilities to the Servoy environment:

For example to center the current webclient form with the WebClientUtils execute the following script in each form onRender:

if (event.getRenderable().getElementType() == ELEMENT_TYPES.FORM)
var form_account_script = "var main_form = document.getElementById('form_"+currentcontroller.getName()+"');";
form_account_script += "if (main_form != null){";
form_account_script += "'940px';";
form_account_script += "'50%';";
form_account_script += "'0px';";
form_account_script += "'0px';";
form_account_script += "'absolute';";
form_account_script += "'-470px';";
form_account_script += "}";

this example assuming your form is 940px wide.