The client design mode is created to make it possible for end users to edit the possitions and sizes of elements on a form.

When the form enters client design mode, the user can use drag & drop to relocate elements or change the size of elements.

Putting A Form In Client Design Mode

To enter client design mode using:


To exit client design mode:


(warning)  There can only be one form in client design mode at any time.

Responding To User Actions

When the Form is in Client Design mode, users can move the elements or resize them. In order to respond to the user actions, the function that puts a Form in Client Design mode optionally takes a set of event handlers as parameters:

Using these events the developer can respond to the changes made by the user, for example storing the modifications, as the changes made by the user are not automatically persisted.

Limiting User Actions

It's possible to "annotate" elements with certain UIProperties that will affect their behavior when the Form they are on is put in client Design mode.

Through these properties, it's possible to restrict elements from being selectable and to provide information on which resize handles should be available on the element when selected

Making an element not selectable in Client Design mode:

elements.\{elementName}.putClientProperty(CLIENTDESIGN.SELECTABLE, false);

Restricting the available Resize handlers

The selected element on a Form in Client Design mode by default shows resize handlers for all directions.

If the directions in which the element is resizable should be restricted, this is possible using the following code:

elements.\{elementName}.putClientProperty(CLIENTDESIGN.HANDLES, ['r', 'l']); 

The code sample above will result in the following resize handlers:

The second argument in the code above is an Array with all the supported handlers. These are the available values:


Resize handler










Bottom left corner


Bottom right corner


Top left corner


Top right corner

(warning)  These are runtime properties and will be lost by use of controller.recreateUI().


The following restrictions are applicable when working with Client Design mode: