
With Servoy, it is possible to test (and debug!) applications directly from the development environment. This includes both the Smart Client and the Web Client. This is because when Servoy Developer is started, a local instance of the Application Server is also started in the background. It allows two client connections - one for each Smart and Web.

Moreover, as the developer makes changes to an application, Servoy will broadcast those changes into the debug clients (both smart and web), allowing to see the changes real-time, test and debug without any need to restart the client.

Debugging browser applications is traditionally very difficult because logic is asynchronously divided between the client and the server. However, because Servoy executes all of the business logic server-side, one can test and debug browser applications directly from the IDE.

Servoy also allows starting multiple non-debuggable web clients against the Servoy Developer.

Launching the Debug Smart Client

Launching the Debug Web Client

Starting Non-Debug Web Clients

It is possible to launch non-debuggable Web Clients against Servoy Developer. In order to do so, the parameter nodebug with true value has to be added to the URL. Any solution/module present in the workspace can be launched this way in a web client. Also, it is possible to run multiple non-debug web clients.


Quick Start Video