A (form) designer and runtime environment need component meta data to be able to handle a component.

On the web are some specifications arising like:

http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/OpenAjax_Metadata_1.0_Specification_Widget_Overview (thanks to Paul for pointing us to this one)

At time of writing these seem overly complex when using angular directives...


A simple metadata specification is expressed in json format. (called the .spec definition file)

The specification defines:

name: String simple name of the component
displayName: String more descriptive name that is shown in the designer
libraries: Array of js/css references that needs to be included for this component,
palette_icon: A reference to the icon shown in designer 
definition: A reference to the js file of this component
model: {
  propertyName: type description, optional default value
handlers: {
  functionName: function type
api: {
  functionName: signature description
types: {
   typename: {
     model: {
        propertyName: type description

A WebComponent specifies all its properties under the model, all the events under handlers and api has the javascript api the webcomponent has that the server can call.

Types are defining internal types that are used by this webcomponent for one or more of its properties.  (for example a tabpanel component has a tab type that describes one tab inside the tabpanel). They have the same support as under model:{}, there is no support for api or handlers on those types again because they are just container objects that push data to the webcomponent from the server.

Besides that the type description can be a simple (property) types like:


The function description in the handlers section can be just "function" or a more complex type describing the arguments and return type {parameters: [{start: 'int'}, {end: 'int'}], returns: 'string'}

The  signature description should also be like the complex function type, describing the arguments and return type {parameters: [{start: 'int'}, {end: 'int'}], returns: 'string'}


As an example we could have a textfield that has a definition like this

name: 'svy-textfield',
displayName: 'Text input',
definition: 'servoydefault/textfield/textfield.js',
libraries: ['servoydefault/textfield/formatting.js','//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.2.1/css/font-awesome.css'],
	toolTipText: 'string',
	background: 'color',
    dataProviderID: { 'type':'dataprovider', 'ondatachange': { 'onchange':'onDataChangeMethodID', 'callback':'onDataChangeCallback'}},
    format: {'for':'dataProviderID' ,'type':'format'}, // value will be just the format string as a whole
    onDataChangeMethodID: 'function',
    requestFocus: { },
	getSelectedText: {
	    returns: 'string'
	setSelection: {
	    parameters: [{start: 'int'}, {end: 'int'}]

In this example it has a simple properties like toolTipText (a string) and background (a color) and a dataproviderID property that is of type 'dataprovider' which has an ondatachange that points to the handler onDataChangeMethodID function and the textfield wants to have a callback function called that is called 'onDataChangeCallback'