Style classes have been set on key html elements from the dialog contents, you can use this to define desired style of the content.

See Customizing the Web Client for more info. The following examples are css classes and rules that can be added in default css in order to modify default appearance.

".media-upload" is the root html hierarchy attached tot the iframe body. If you want to add preliminary padding/border/margins you can use directly this class.

To strip off the border and title of the fieldset use these rules:

.media-upload fieldset {   /*removes border*/
	border: none;
.media-upload fieldset span{  /*hides title*/
	display: none;

To float the 'files' section  to the right :

.media-upload fieldset wicket-mfu-caption{ /*float 'files' section to the right */ 
    float: right;
.media-upload fieldset tr{  
    float: right;

To add images to the 'choose file' and 'upload' button: