Merge of Servoy 6.1.x into Servoy 7.3

With the release of Servoy 7.3 the upgrade path for the 6.1.x branch will be the Servoy 7.x branch, as Servoy 7.x can be considered Servoy 6.1.x + Servoy Mobile. This means that Servoy 6.1.6 is the last update in the Servoy 6.1 branch and that installations that run Servoy 6.1.x can upgrade to Servoy 7.3, skipping 7.0.0 - 7.2.

The auto-update mechanism in Servoy Developer and the command-line upgrade mechanism in the Servoy Application Server will start offering the Servoy 7.3 version as update on Servoy 6.1.x releases as of November 8 2013.

For more information on all supported version, see Supported Versions

See the following links for the Release Notes of previous 7.x.x releases:

Mobile Client

Servoy Developer

Solution Development

Due to the implementation of SVY-5036: 'Added application.get/setUserProperties support to the Service Solution', the behavior of get/setUserProperty in the Headless & Batch Processor clients has changed.

  • Before Servoy 7.3 User Properties set from within Headless Clients would be persisted in the file of the Application Server and be shared between all Headless Clients running on that server. 
  • As of Servoy 7.3 the behavior changed in the following ways:
    • In most Headless Clients the User Properties are stored on Session level, which means that when the session ends, the User Properties are no longer persisted. This also means that User Property values are not shared anymore between the different Headless Clients
    • In Headless Clients used by the Restful plugin the User Properties are added as an HTTP Header (name=servoy.userproperties) of the generated HTTP Response for each call to the Restful API. The client that calls the Restful API (a browser for example) can read the values from the HTTP Header in the response. In order to persist the User Properties between subsequent calls to the Restful API, the client that calls the Restful API needs to add the User Properties as to the HTTP Request header.
  • The only exception to this rule are Headless Clients created through the Headless Client Java API with an HTTP Request/Session, for example when integrating the Headless Client into JSP pages. In this case the User Properties were stored in the HTTP Session object and still are

Web Client


Public Java API

Open Source