The Terracotta integration needs to be configured to find the Terracotta instance that acts as server.


The configuration for Terracotta is stored in the tc-config.xml file in the <servoy>/application_server/terracotta directory.

To change the configuration, open the file in a text editor and replace the host attribute value on the line "<server host="localhost">" to the hostname or IP address of the machine on which Terracotta is configured to run as server.

The changes to tc-config.xml need to be made to all instances of Terracotta that will be part of the cluster.

When using a dedicated machine to run the Terracotta instance that will act as Terracotta server, the tc-config.xml also needs to copied to the same directory where the start_terracotta_server.bat/ file was copied in the previous step


Starting a Servoy Application Server instance as part of a cluster is done by executing the start_servoy_clustered.* file located in the <servoy>application_server/terracotta directory.

This file needs to be edited to point to the local installation of Terracotta. Open the file start_servoy_clustered.bat/ in a text editor and change "\[path_to_terracotta_install]" to the path where Terracotta is installed.