The Terracotta integration bundled with the Servoy Application Server installation contains two files that require modification. They need to be configured to find both the local Terracotta instance and the Terracotta Server instance.


The tc-config.xml file in the <servoy>/application_server/terracotta directory is the configuration file for the Terracotta instance and is used by the start_servoy_clustered.bat/sh to launch both the Terracotta instance (if not already started) and the Servoy Application Server.

The tc-config.xml file contains a settting that needs to be pointed to the hostname/IP address of the Terracotta Server instance:

This change to tc-config.xml need to be made to all instances of Terracotta that will be part of the cluster.

When using a dedicated machine to run the Terracotta instance that will act as Terracotta Server, the tc-config.xml also needs to copied to the same directory where the start_terracotta_server.bat/ file was copied in the previous step

The Terracotta configuration can be further tuned if required by editing the tc-config.xml. See the official Terracotta documentation for more infomration.


The start_servoy_clustered.* file in the <servoy>application_server/terracotta directory is used to start a Servoy Application Server instance as part of a cluster.

This file needs to be edited to point to the local installation of Terracotta:

This change to start_servoy_clustered.* need to be made to all instances of Terracotta that will be part of the cluster.