The Servoy All-In-One installer is capable of installing both the Servoy Application Server and Servoy Developer.

This chapter describes the process of installing the Servoy Application Server. For information on the installation of Servoy Developer, please refer to the Developer User Guide

Choosing the correct installer

The Servoy All-In-One installer comes in 2 variations:

The cross platform installer can also be used on the Windows platform, but some virus scanner block the execution of .jar files. Therefor, the Windows executable installer is provided as alternative.

Running the installer

To start the installation, execute the installer. Depending on the platform, either double click the servoy_installer.jar or execute the following through the command line or terminal window:

java -jar servoy_installer.jar

When double clicking the cross platform installer opens the servoy_installer.jar as an archive file instead of an executable, the extention '.jar' is not configured to be opened by Java. Either use the command line option, use the platforms "Open with" option or configure the platform to open '.jar' files using Java.

Stepping through the installer

When the installer opens, the screenshot below will represent itself. Click "Next" to continue

The 2nd screen allows to set the location where the Servoy Application Server will be installed. If required provide a different location and click "Next" to continue.

The 3rd screen allows the specification of which optional packs to include in the installation.

The greyed out packs are mandatory

Application Server (mandatory): This pack contains the Servoy Application Server
Developer: This pack contains Servoy Developer
JDBC Driver files (mandatory): This pack contains the JDBC drivers that are shipped with Servoy by default
Database: This pack contains both the Sybase database engine as well as the sample databases shipped with Servoy