Once you have developed your solution and you are ready to deploy your solution to clients, you need to move the solution from the development environment to the deployment (Application Server) environment. The first step in deployment is getting your solution in a form that can be moved: exporting the solution.

Exporting a Solution

There are two formats in which a Servoy solution of type Normal can be exported: .servoy file or .war file. The solutions of types other than Normal or Web/Smart Client Only can only be exported as a .servoy file.

Exporting To .servoy File

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. Go to File > Export. A window will appear. In the tree, select Servoy > Export Active Solution. Click on the Next button.
    2. Right click on the active solution in the Solution Explorer. Select Export Solution > File Export. A window will appear.
  2. Choose a name and a location for the export file. Click Next.
  3. A list of options is now available. For a simple solution, you can leave all these options unchecked. The options include:
    1. Protect Solution with Password - Will require a password to import the solution; an extra security step to reduce unauthorized individuals access to the solution.
    2. Export referenced modules - if checked, it will also export modules attached to the solution. The checked option will spawn an extra window to appear in the wizard to select which modules to export.
    3. Export all tables from referenced servers - if checked, it will export all the tables for any server used in the solution. If it is unchecked, only tables that are actually used in the solution will be exported.
    4. Export metadata tables - if checked, it will export all the metadata tables referenced by the solution. If unchecked, no metadata table will be exported.
    5. Check metadata tables - if checked, before exporting, it will check whether the workspace meta data files are in sync with the database tables. If not, it will throw an exception with the suggestion to update the meta data for the tables first, and it will not continue the export. If it is left unchecked, the export will be done based on the existing workspace meta data files, without checking if they are in sync with the database tables or not. Nevertheless, if no metadata file is found in the workspace, the export will not continue, but throw an exception suggesting to update the meta data for the tables first.
    6. Export solution sample data - if checked, data (from the current connection) for every table exported will be included. You may choose a specific limit to the number of rows exported or you can choose to export all rows.

      If the dataset is large, then exporting too many rows may fail.

      Even if you have exported sample data, if there is data already in a table when importing, it will not move sample data to the table on import.

    7. Export i18n data - exports i18n keys used in the solution
    8. Export users - exports Servoy users specified in user and group security
    9. Export based on DBI files only - if checked, the export will be based on the structure of the data model contained by the .dbi files in the workspace, ignoring the data model contained by the database tables. If unchecked, the export will be based on the structure of the data model contained by the database tables.
      This option can be used for example when working with a previous version of a solution connected to a newer version of the production database, and the developer needs to export the solution based on the data model structure of that solution version.
  4. Click Finish (if Export referenced modules is checked, you will need to select modules to export, then click Finish)
  5. The .servoy file will appear in the specified location.

Exporting To .war File

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. Go to File > Export. A window will appear. In the tree, select Servoy > Export War File. Click on the Next button.
    2. Right click on the active solution in the Solution Explorer. Select Export Solution > War Export. A window will appear.
  2. Choose a name and a location for the export file. If you want to export the active solution and its modules, check the Include active solution and modules checkbox. If left unchecked, only the active solution will be exported. Click Next.
  3. A list of all the plugins is shown. The plugins that will be used in the war can be left checked, the others can be omitted from the export.
  4. A list of all the beans is shown. The beans that will be used in the war can be left checked, the others can be omitted from the export.
  5. A list of all the laf files is shown. The lafs that will be used in the war can be left checked, the others can be omitted from the export.
  6. A list of all the jdbc drivers is shown. The drivers that will be used in the war and are not provided by the application server in which the war will be deployed can be left checked, the others can be omitted from the export.
  7. Select a servoy properties file to be used for the export.
    1. If no file is provided, a default file will be generated. An extra page will be spawned in the wizard, where a few settings need to be specified for the generated servoy properties file:
      - Allow running smart clients - if checked, both smart web clients will be allowed to run, and it must be noted that when restarting the application context in the web container, the RMI classes will not be garbage collected, and that may lead to out-of-memory errors. If it is left unchecked, only web clients will be allowed to run.
      - Port used by RMI Registry - default port is 1099. 
    2. If a servoy properties file is specified, make sure the SocketFactory.tunnelConnectionMode on 'Network Settings' page in Servoy Admin is set to 'http&socket'.
  8. Click Finish (if no servoy properties file is specified, the needed settings for the default generated file have to be provided on the next page, then click Finish).
  9. The .war file will appear in the specified location.

Quick Start Video