This chapter provides information on how to set up Selenium for visual testing the Servoy solutions in Web Client. Selenium IDE record and playback the user clicks on the UI.

Setup Selenium

Setup Servoy

Selenium Description

Main Window Description

Starting the Application

Recording with Selenium IDE


Selenium IDE records the events generated by the user in a Test Case as Selenium commands (clicks/ typing/ keyboard events..).. Each command is targeting a specific element of the DOM (The HTML tree generated by the rendering of the Web Client) using the default Locator Builder; the default is the wicketpath locator if it has been correctly placed on top of the Locator Buillder list.

Just recording is not enough for a correct playback of the Test Case. To validate the test should be added UI verification checks. Is the element present after i have clicked the button ? is the result value equal to the expected value ?
When recording Selenium IDE assumes that all the elements are already present in the DOM but this is not always the case. Selenium IDE is asynchronous therefore is necessary to add an explicit command to put Selenium waiting until the result of the triggered action is received. For example a click on the button 'next record' result in showing the next record of the foundset. The result of the action is not immediate therefore the expected value cannot be immediately target with Selenium. Selenium should wait until the result of the click action is complete before targeting the values of the next record. Use the commands waitFor to wait a specific element or a specific value to be loaded on the page.

Recording Events

Recording Gotcha's

Playback - Running the Script

Tip: for more detailed documentation and video tutorials user this link:

Plugins and add-on for Selenium IDE


Many plugins are available for Selenium IDE as Firefox add-on. Listed below some nice to have plugins.


Install the Firefox Extension Provides javascript-like conditionals, looping, callable functions, error catching, and JSON/XML driven parametrization to perfom Data Driven tests.

Implicit Wait

Install the Firefox Extension Allows Selenium IDE to automatically wait until the element is found before executing each command using a locator. To use it add the command setImplicitWaitCondition  at the beginning of each Test Case.

File Logging

Install the Firefox Extension FileLogging: Log the test results of the Selenium IDE into a file. Append text to existing log. does never delete the log file. Use Advanced text editor to view results. Is possible to add a timestamp to any log.

Setup Log extension: Open the Selenium IDE, go to menu  Options -> Options -> File Logging.
Select the log file and log level. Default Info

Selenium Best Practice

Use the following best practices to make the automated test easily maintainable.

Select the proper locator

The selection of a stable locator is the most important step to have a maintainable test script. Element's locator can change frequentely in the DOM resulting in an unmaintenaible test. When recording the Test Case the developer should choose the locator that most likely will not change when modifying the form.

With Selenium there are multiple ways to target an element. Is possible to target the element via the wicketpath, Markup Id, XPath, CSS..

ID locator 

Target the element having the specific ID. Is the most fragile type of locator since in the Web Client the markup Id of elements change frequentely.


Target the element using the servoy wicketpath attribute of the element.

Is a stable locator for forms generated with Servoy at Design time; the wicketpath will not change at any edit of the form. The wicketpath is not stable instead when the form or Servoy element is generated at Runtime using the Solution Model. In this case will change at any execution.

Example: //div[@wicketpath='servoy__page_servoy__dataform_forms_0_webform_servoywebform_View_sv____BC22D853__A837__4D0B__8937__8ED2D086451E_sv____F48C87B8__E69A__46D1__93C2__33F59B96538E__wrapper']/input


XPath: position

Target the element using the exact position of the element in the DOM. This type of locator is unstable for any change happening in the structore of the page but can be use to target element generated with the Solution Model (Note that the Solution Model should always generate the same result otherwise the DOM of the page will look different and most likely the locator will break)

Example: //div[13]/div/div/div[3]/div


XPath: contains text/property

Target the element containing the specific text or the specific property. Resist to changes made to the form at Design time and even to the solution model. Fails if there are multiple elements containing the same text or the same property or if the text/property is changed.


//div[text()='logout']/../..      find the parent of the parent of the div element having the text equal to 'logout'

//img[contains(@src, "pv_btn_logout.png")]       find the element containing the value "pv_btn_logout.png" in the src attribute