Upgrading Servoy Application Server

As Servoy 6 is a major release a fresh Servoy Developer installation is required. Download the All-in-One installer and install a fresh copy of Servoy Developer 6.

Upgrading Servoy Developer

As Servoy 6 is a major release a fresh Servoy Developer installation is required. Download the All-in-One installer and install a fresh copy of Servoy Developer 6.

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Upgrading Servoy Application Server

Upgrading existing Solution

A note before getting started

Servoy 6 offers some amazing new features in the Servoy Developer IDE when it comes to designing forms and writing business logic.

Part of the latter feature is a greatly improved JavaScript code validation: the entire code base of a solution will be continuously checked for possible coding mistakes, like accessing or setting non existing variables, calling non-existing methods or calling methods with the wrong number or type of parameters.

While this is great once you get going, if you're upgrading an existing solution to Servoy 6, you will most likely get a lot of warnings on your code. Why is that?

JavaScript, the scripting language used in Servoy to write down the business logic is what they call "weak-typed". This means that a variable can hold any type of value, that a function can return any type of value and that the arguments that can be send into a method call can be of any type. At least: this hold true for JavaScript in it's core.

In new script validation in Servoy Developer 6 however tries to determine if the the properties you access actually exist, if the method you call exist and if you call them with the right number and type of arguments. The validation mechanism tries to be as clever as possible to determine which code is correct and which code isn't, but due to the weak-typed (and dynamic) nature of JavaScript, somethings clever logic just isn't enough and the validator requires more input from the developer in order to do proper validation. This developer input is done in the form of JSDoc.

While previous versions of Servoy already had support for JSDoc, in Servoy 6 this support has been extended and improved, in order to better facilitate the validation process.

So, while you might get numerous warnings once you open your existing solutions in Servoy 6, remember that these are just "warnings", not errors, they do not mean that your solution is not working. While we advise to solve the warnings, so you can also reliable start using some of the other great features of Servoy 6, like automatic code refactoring or search for references, you can ignore the warnings. It's even possible to turn off all the warnings, see Window > Preferences > JavaScript > Error/Warnings.

JSDoc primer
Behavior Changes
Deprecated API
New Features