Servoy can connect to any type of database that supports JDBC connections.

By default, Servoy comes bundled with the Sybase SQL Anywhere engine, a repository database and a set of sample databases, but the installation of the engine and databases is optional in the installer.

The Servoy Application Server requires a connection to the Servoy Repository in order to start. See Servoy Repository for more information. When using existing databases, make sure that a valid connection to a properly configured Servoy Repository is available to the Servoy Application Server.

Using the bundled Sybase SQL Anywhere engine i.c.w. existing databases

When the installation of the Sybase SQL Anywhere database engine is required, keep the Database option in the All-In-One installer checked.

After installing the Servoy Application Server, the following steps are required to remove the sample databases and connect the Sybase SQL Anywhere engine to existing Sybase SQL Anywhere databases:

The steps above leave the servoy_repository database in place, to act as database for the servoy Repository, although its possible to use another database. See Servoy Repository upgrade for information on creating the Servoy Repository tables in an existing database. See Database Servers for more information on how to configure the 'repository_server' server connection to point to the existing database

Not using the bundled Sybase SQL Anywhere database engine

When not using the Sybase SQL Anywhere database engine, the option can be unchecked in the installer. This will skip the installation of the Sybase SQL Anywhere database engine, the repository database and the sample databases.

Since the Servoy Application Server requires at least one connection named 'repository_server' for the Servoy Repository, when unchecking the 'Database' option in the All-In-One installer, the installation of the Servoy Application Server will not be ready for use after finishing the All-In-One installer.

In order to get the Servoy Application Server ready for use the following steps are required:

Depending on the type of databases used, JDBC drivers might need to be added. See JDBC drivers for more information.

See Servoy Repository upgrade for information on creating the Servoy Repository tables in an existing database. See Database Servers for more information on how to configure the 'repository_server' server connection to point to the existing database