Starting with Servoy 7.2 (in developer) and Servoy 7.3 (for automated testing) you have the ability to run jsunit tests for mobile solutions. The test will run browser-side in an mobile 'test' client (which is actually a normal mobile client with small changes to allow unit tests - for automatic authentication, test-suite reporting, ...).

Mobile jsunit tests can be run - similar to Smart Client jsunit tests - both from Servoy Developer (using a browser installed in your OS) or as automated tests that can run as part of an automated build system (Jenkins, Cruise-Control, ...).

Creating A Test Solution

In order to write tests for your mobile solution - let's name it 'x' - you can create a new solution 'test_x' solution that has 'x' as a module.

Then you write the unit tests in the usual way. Methods prefixed with 'test' in global/form scopes will be considered to be test-cases and will run wrapped between 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods of the same scope. Use 'jsunit.assert...' methods to check that everything happens as expected.

Create a 'test_x_service' solution that will feed data and table information as needed to your mobile client test solution - just like you would do with a normal mobile test solution.

A very basic sample mobile test solution setup is available for download at building a software factory tutorial.

Running Tests In Servoy Developer

In order to run mobile jsunit tests in Servoy Developer you can use:

For those interested in what's going on behind the scenes during a test-run:

Creating Automated Servoy Mobile Unit Tests

You can automate this testing process by using the command-line/ant mobile .war workspace exporter,  the .servoy solution workspace exporter and the mobile import test client as detailed here.

These, in conjunction with a Selenium based (local or cloud) setup allow you to run tests automated in all popular browsers/platforms/devices. For example a nice integration can be achieved with Servoy - Jenkins (build automation software) - Sauce Labs (cloud based selenium test automation provider).