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Refresh page Apr 26, 2024 12:01

Supported Clients
SmartClient WebClient NGClient

Methods Summary
Array getData() Returns a byte array with the content of this attachment.
String getMimeType() Returns the Mime type of this attachment.
String getName() Returns the name of this attachment.
Boolean isEmbedded() Returns true if this attachment is embedded, false otherwise.

Methods Details


Returns a byte array with the content of this attachment.


Supported Clients



var logo = plugins.mail.createBinaryAttachment('logo.jpg', plugins.file.readFile('d:/logo.jpg'));
var invoice = plugins.mail.createTextAttachment('invoice.txt', plugins.file.readTXTFile('d:/invoice.txt'));
var attachments = new Array(logo, invoice);
var success = plugins.mail.sendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, 'subject line', 'message text', null, null, attachments, properties);
if (!success)
	plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Alert', 'Failed to send mail', 'OK');
	plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Success', 'Mail sent', 'OK');
	application.output('logo attachment name: ' + logo.getName());
	application.output('logo attachment mime type: ' + logo.getMimeType());
	application.output('logo attachment size: ' + logo.getData().length);
	application.output('logo attachment embedded state: ' + logo.isEmbedded());
	application.output('invoice attachment name: ' + invoice.getName());
	application.output('invoice attachment mime type: ' + invoice.getMimeType());
	application.output('invoice attachment size: ' + invoice.getData().length);
	application.output('invoice attachment embedded state: ' + invoice.isEmbedded());


Returns the Mime type of this attachment.


Supported Clients



var logo = plugins.mail.createBinaryAttachment('logo.jpg', plugins.file.readFile('d:/logo.jpg'));
var invoice = plugins.mail.createTextAttachment('invoice.txt', plugins.file.readTXTFile('d:/invoice.txt'));
var attachments = new Array(logo, invoice);
var success = plugins.mail.sendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, 'subject line', 'message text', null, null, attachments, properties);
if (!success)
	plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Alert', 'Failed to send mail', 'OK');
	plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Success', 'Mail sent', 'OK');
	application.output('logo attachment name: ' + logo.getName());
	application.output('logo attachment mime type: ' + logo.getMimeType());
	application.output('logo attachment size: ' + logo.getData().length);
	application.output('logo attachment embedded state: ' + logo.isEmbedded());
	application.output('invoice attachment name: ' + invoice.getName());
	application.output('invoice attachment mime type: ' + invoice.getMimeType());
	application.output('invoice attachment size: ' + invoice.getData().length);
	application.output('invoice attachment embedded state: ' + invoice.isEmbedded());


Returns the name of this attachment.


Supported Clients



var logo = plugins.mail.createBinaryAttachment('logo.jpg', plugins.file.readFile('d:/logo.jpg'));
var invoice = plugins.mail.createTextAttachment('invoice.txt', plugins.file.readTXTFile('d:/invoice.txt'));
var attachments = new Array(logo, invoice);
var success = plugins.mail.sendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, 'subject line', 'message text', null, null, attachments, properties);
if (!success)
	plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Alert', 'Failed to send mail', 'OK');
	plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Success', 'Mail sent', 'OK');
	application.output('logo attachment name: ' + logo.getName());
	application.output('logo attachment mime type: ' + logo.getMimeType());
	application.output('logo attachment size: ' + logo.getData().length);
	application.output('logo attachment embedded state: ' + logo.isEmbedded());
	application.output('invoice attachment name: ' + invoice.getName());
	application.output('invoice attachment mime type: ' + invoice.getMimeType());
	application.output('invoice attachment size: ' + invoice.getData().length);
	application.output('invoice attachment embedded state: ' + invoice.isEmbedded());


Returns true if this attachment is embedded, false otherwise. Attachments become embedded 
if they are references through tags from the body text of the message.


Supported Clients



var logo = plugins.mail.createBinaryAttachment('logo.jpg', plugins.file.readFile('d:/logo.jpg'));
var invoice = plugins.mail.createTextAttachment('invoice.txt', plugins.file.readTXTFile('d:/invoice.txt'));
var attachments = new Array(logo, invoice);
var success = plugins.mail.sendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, 'subject line', 'message text', null, null, attachments, properties);
if (!success)
	plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Alert', 'Failed to send mail', 'OK');
	plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Success', 'Mail sent', 'OK');
	application.output('logo attachment name: ' + logo.getName());
	application.output('logo attachment mime type: ' + logo.getMimeType());
	application.output('logo attachment size: ' + logo.getData().length);
	application.output('logo attachment embedded state: ' + logo.isEmbedded());
	application.output('invoice attachment name: ' + invoice.getName());
	application.output('invoice attachment mime type: ' + invoice.getMimeType());
	application.output('invoice attachment size: ' + invoice.getData().length);
	application.output('invoice attachment embedded state: ' + invoice.isEmbedded());

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