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  • Foundset property type

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Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    foundsetId: 2, // an identifier that allows you to use this foundset via the 'foundsetRef' type;
                   // when a 'foundsetRef' type sends a foundset from server to client (for example
                   // as a return value of callServerSideApi) it will translate to this identifier
                   // on client (so you can use it to find the actual foundset property in the model if
                   // server side script put it in the model as well); internally when sending a
                   // 'foundset' typed property to server through a 'foundsetRef' typed argument or prop,
                   // it will use this foundsetId as well to find it on server

    serverSize: 44, // the size of the foundset on server (so not necessarily the total record count
                    // in case of large DB tables)
    viewPort: {
        // this is the data you need to have loaded on client (just request what you need via provided
        // loadRecordsAsync or loadExtraRecordsAsync)
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 5,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', name: "Bubu", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', name: "Ranger", type: 1 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH3', name: "Yogy", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH4', name: "Birdy", type: 3 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH5', name: "Wolfy", type: 4 } ]
    selectedRowIndexes: [16], // array of selected records in foundset; indexes can be out of current
                              // viewPort as well
	sortColumns: 'orderid asc', // sort string of the foundset, the same as the one used in scripting for 
								// foundset.sort and foundset.getCurrentSort
    multiSelect: false, // the multiselect mode of the server's foundset; if this is false,
                        // selectedRowIndexes can only have one item in it
    hasMoreRows: false, // if the foundset is large and on server-side only part of it is loaded (so
                        // there are records in the foundset beyond 'serverSize') this is set to true;
                        // in this way you know you can load records even after 'serverSize' (requesting
                        // viewport to load records at index serverSize-1 or greater will load more
                        // records in the foundset)
    columnFormats: { name: (...), type: (...) }, // columnFormats is only present if you specify
                        // "provideColumnFormats": true inside the .spec file for this foundset property;
                        // it gives the default column formatting that Servoy would normally use for
                        // each column of the viewport - which you can then also use in the
                        // 	browser yourself

     * Request a change of viewport bounds from the server; the requested data will be loaded
     * asynchronously in 'viewPort'
     * @param startIndex the index that you request the first record in "viewPort.rows" to have in
     *                   the real foundset (so the beginning of the viewPort).
     * @param size the number of records to load in viewPort.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser-
     *                   side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
    loadRecordsAsync: function(startIndex, size),

     * Request more records for your viewPort; if the argument is positive more records will be
     * loaded at the end of the 'viewPort', when negative more records will be loaded at the beginning
     * of the 'viewPort' - asynchronously.
     * @param negativeOrPositiveCount the number of records to extend the viewPort.rows with before or
     *                                after the currently loaded records.
     * @param dontNotifyYet if you set this to true, then the load request will not be sent to server
     *                      right away. So you can queue multiple loadLess/loadExtra before sending them
     *                      to server.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser-
     *                   side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
     *                   That allows custom component to make sure that loadExtra/loadLess calls from
     *                   client do not stack on not yet updated viewports to result in wrong bounds.
    loadExtraRecordsAsync: function(negativeOrPositiveCount, dontNotifyYet),
     * Request a shrink of the viewport; if the argument is positive the beginning of the viewport will
     * shrink, when it is negative then the end of the viewport will shrink - asynchronously.
     * @param negativeOrPositiveCount the number of records to shrink the viewPort.rows by before or
     *                                after the currently loaded records.
     * @param dontNotifyYet if you set this to true, then the load request will not be sent to server
     *                      right away. So you can queue multiple loadLess/loadExtra before sending them
     *                      to server.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser
     *                   -side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
     *                   That allows custom component to make sure that loadExtra/loadLess calls from
     *                   client do not stack on not yet updated viewports to result in wrong bounds.
    loadLessRecordsAsync: function(negativeOrPositiveCount, dontNotifyYet),
     * Sort the foundset by the dataproviders/columns identified by sortColumns.
     * The name property of each sortColumn can be filled with the dataprovider name the foundset provides
     * or specifies. If the foundset is used with a component type (like in table-view) then the name is
     * the name of the component on who's first dataprovider property the sort should happen. If the
     * foundset is used with another foundset-linked property type (dataprovider/tagstring linked to 
     * foundsets) then the name you should give in the sortColumn is that property's 'idForFoundset' value
     * (for example a record 'dataprovider' property linked to the foundset will be an array of values
     * representing the viewport, but it will also have a 'idForFoundset' prop. that can be used for 
     * sorting in this call; this 'idForFoundset' was added in version 8.0.3).
     * @param {JSONArray} sortColumns an array of JSONObjects { name : dataprovider_id,
     *                    direction : sortDirection }, where the sortDirection can be "asc" or "desc".
     * @return {promise} (added in Servoy 8.2.1) a $q promise that will get resolved when the new sort
     *                   will arrive browser-side. As with any promise you can register success, error
     *                   and finally callbacks.
    sort: function(sortColumns),
     * Request a selection change of the selected row indexes. Returns a promise that is resolved
     * when the client receives the updated selection from the server. If successful, the array
     * selectedRowIndexes will also be updated. If the server does not allow the selection change,
     * the reject function will get called with the 'old' selection as parameter. 
     * If requestSelectionUpdate is called a second time, before the first call is resolved, the
     * first call will be rejected and the caller will receive the string 'canceled' as the value
     * for the parameter serverRows.
     * E.g.: foundset.requestSelectionUpdate([2,3,4]).then(function(serverRows){},function(serverRows){});
    requestSelectionUpdate : function(selectedRowIdxs),
     * Sets the preferred viewPort options hint on the server for this foundset, so that the next
     * (initial or new) load will automatically return that many rows, even without any of the loadXYZ
     * methods above being called.
     * You can use this when the component size is not known initially and the number of records the
     * component wants to load depends on that. As soon as the component knows how many it wants 
     * initially it can call this method.
     * These can also be specified initially using the .spec options "initialPreferredViewPortSize" and
     * "sendSelectionViewportInitially". But these can be altered at runtime via this method as well
     * because they are used/useful in other scenarios as well, not just initially: for example when a
     * related foundset changes parent record, when a search/find is performed and so on.
     * @param preferredSize the preferred number or rows that the viewport should get automatically
     *                      from the server.
     * @param {boolean} sendViewportWithSelection if this is true, the auto-sent viewport will contain
     *                                            the selected row (if any).
     * @param {boolean} centerViewportOnSelected if this is true, the selected row will be in the middle
     *                                           of auto-sent viewport if possible. If it is false, then
     *                                           the foundset property type will assume a 'paging'
     *                                           strategy and will send the page that contains the 
     *                                           selected row (here the page size is assumed to be
     *                                           preferredSize).
    setPreferredViewportSize: function(preferredSize, sendViewportWithSelection, centerViewportOnSelected),

     * Add a change listener that is interested in knowing of any incoming changes (from server)
     * for this foundset property. See the "Adding a change listener" section below for more information.
    addChangeListener : function(listener),

     * Removes the given change listener from this foundset property.
    removeChangeListener: function(listener),
	*	Receives a client side record (taken from foundset viewport) and gives a record reference, a complete object 
	*	which can be resolved server side to the exact record, for example when calling a handler and want to send 
	*   record as parameter. This has been added in Servoy 8.3
	getRecordRef: function(record)
