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  • JavaScript Basics

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Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eichof Netscape under the name Mocha, which was later renamed to LiveScript and finally to JavaScript. JavaScript code, much like other programming languages, is made up of statements which serve to make assignments, compare values and execute other sections of code.


  • Is interpreted line-by-line
  • Is case sensitive
  • Ignores whitespaces
  • Uses semicolon at the end of each statement
  • Uses blocks (with curly braces)
  • Uses identing in code
  • Uses commenting symbols
  • Uses keywords

Basic programming terminology

JavaScript has some basic programming terms:



For a complete list of reserved words, please check the TODO: reference to reserved words section.

Execution order

JavaScript is interpreted (executed) line-by-line as it is found in a piece of code (script)

Case sensitivity

JavaScript is case sensitive, meaning that capital letters are distinct from their lowercase counterparts.


  • Keywords
  • operators
  • Variable names
  • Event handlers
  • Object properties

Lowercase keywords

All JavaScript keywords are lowercase. For example, when you use a feature like an if statement, make sure that you type if and not If or IF.

Camel casing (camel-back)

JavaScript uses the camel casing (mixed casing) naming convention for functions, methods and properties. If a name is one word, then the name is made of all lowercase characters. If more words are used to form a name, the first word is lowercase followed by the next word(s) which all start with a capital letter.



No spaces and punctuations are using with forming these names.


JavaScript applies these rules to the use of the whitespace in coding.

Whitespace ignored

JavaScript ignores those characters that take up space on the screen without visual representation or without necessary meaning.


Code Block


Code Block
x = x + 1

Whitespace not ignored (exception)

However, most operations other than simple arithmetic functions require a space to make their meaning clear.


Code Block
var s = 'This spacing is      preserved.';

Using semicolons

A semicolon indicates the end of a JavaScript statement. You can use a semicolon for:

  • A single statement
  • Multiple statements on one line
  • Multiple statements on multiple lines

Single statement


Code Block
x = x + 1;

Multiple statements on one line


Code Block
x = x + 1; y = y + 1; z = 0;

Multiple statements on multiple lines


Code Block
x = x + 1;
y = y - 1;

You do not need to use a semicolon for the last statement of a method (script).

Using curly braces

JavaScript uses curly braces {} to group a list of statements together into one larger statement, known as a block statement.


Code Block
if (x > 10) {
	x = 0;
	y = 10;


Here is an if else example to show standard identing in JavaScript code:








var x = 5;



Declare variable.


if (x > 1) {



First if condition with open curly brace for block statement.


if (x > 2) {



Second if condition with opening curly brace for block statement.


alert('x > 2');



First statement for second if condition.


alert('Yes, x > 2');



Second statement for second if condition.





Close curly brace for block statement of second if statement.


} else {



Close curly brace for block statement of first if condition, else condition and open curly bracket for block statement.


alert('x <= 1');



First statement for else condition.


alert('Yes, x > 2');



Second statement for else condition.





Close curly brace for block statement of else condition.


alert('Moving on.');



Final statement of the block.


An important aspect of good JavaScript code (and actually all code) is commenting. Commenting means:

  • You can insert remarks and commentary directly into your code.
  • Included comments will be ignored by the JavaScript interpreter.

Single line comments

Single line comments begin with a double forward slash //. The interpreter will ignore everything from that point until the end of the line.


Code Block
var count = 10; // holds a number of items

Multiple line comments

Multiple line comments (similar to C programming) are enclosed between forward slash and asterix / at the beginning of the comment and an asterix and forward slash / at the end of the comment. Everything in between is ignored by the interpreter.



It's not possible to nest comments and will result in an error.


Keywords are part of the set of JavaScript reserved words.


For a list of reserved words, please check the "JavaScipt reserved words" section.


the keyword new enables you to create your own object and is used for an object's constructor.


TODO: reference to "Object references".


The keyword var is used to declare variables.


Code Block
var x = 2;

JavaScript grammar

Here are the main elements of JavaScript grammar:

  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Expressions
  • Statements
  • Objects
  • Properties
  • Functions and methods


Variables are used to stored data. Each variable has a name, called its identifier. Variables are declared in JavaScript using the var keyword. This keyword allocates storage space for new data and indicates that a new identifier is in use.


You should not use variables without first declaring them. Using a variable on the right-hand side of an assignment without first declaring it will result in an error.

Introduction to declaring variables

When you declare a variable you can do that with or without assigning a value to it.


Code Block
var x, y = 1, z;

Data types

JavaScript knows two categories of data types:

  • Primitive (basic) data types
  • Composite data types

Primitive data types

These are primitive or basic data types, which contain one kind of data, for variables:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Undefined
  • NULL

A string is a list of characters. A string literal is indicated by enclosing characters in single quotes ' or double quotes ".


Escape code





Horizontal tab


Line feed (new line)


Vertical tab


Form feed


Carriage return


Single quote


Double quote




Latin-1 character represented by the octal digits OOO. The valid range is 000 to 377.


Latin-1 character represented by the hexidecimal digits HH. The valid range is 00 to FF.


Unicode character represented by the hexidecimal digits HHHH.


Numbers are integers or floating-point numeric values:

Code Block
var myNumber = 3.14;

Boolean data types take on one of two possible values: true or false. A boolean literal is indicated by using these values directly in the code:

Code Block
var myBoolean = true;

An undefined data type is used for variables and object properties that do not exist or have not been assigned a value. The only value an undefined type can have is undefined:

Code Block
var x;
var x = String.noSuchProperty;



The NULL value indicates an empty or non-existent value, but the data type is defined. The only value a NULL data type can have is NULL:



When undefined and NULL data types are being compared, the result will be true.

Composite data types

Composite data types are made up of strings, numbers, booleans, undefined values, null values and even other composite types. These are the three composite types:

  • Object
  • Array
  • Function

An object can hold any type of data and is the primary mechanism by wich tasks are carried out. Data contained in an object are properties for the object. Properties are accessed with the dot operator . followed by the property name:

Code Block

The array data type is an ordered set of values grouped together under a single identifier. The easiest way to create an array is to define it as a standard variable and then group the set of values in brackets:


Code Block
var myArray = new Array('Bob', 5, true, x);
var x = myArray[0];
var y = myArray[2];

Functions are used to keep code that performs a particular job in one place, making the code reusable. In Servoy, built-in functions are accessible from the method editor.

Weak typing

One of the major differences between JavaScript and other programming languages is that JavaScript is weakly typed. This means that the type of variable is inferred from the variable's content. As a result, the data type can change the moment you put data into the variable of another type than it previously contained.


Code Block
var x = 'Hello';
x = 5.25;


Basic operators include:

  • Arithmetic
  • Increment and decrement
  • Logical
  • Comparison
  • Tertiary statement


Here are the common arithmetic operators:


Code Block
x = a + b;
x = a - b;


This example shows how a is set to the value of b before b is incremented by 1.


This example shows how a is set to the value of b after b is decremented by 1.

Code Block
a = --b;


Here are some logical operators:






a == b

Returns true if a and b are equal.


a != b

Returns true if a and b are not equal.


a > b

Returns true if a is greater than b.


a < b

Returns true if a is less than b.


a >= b

Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b.


a <= b

Returns true if a is less than or equal to b.

Tertiary statement

Here is a tertiary statement:


Code Block
x = (p >= 25) ? 'yes' : 'no'


Expressions are the building blocks of many JavaScript statements. Any combination of variables, operators and statements which evaluate some result, like a sentence or a phrase. Literals and variables are the simplest kind of expressions and can be used to create more complex expressions.

For example:

Code Block
var x = 3 + 3;


Statements are the essence of JavaScript. They are a set of instructions to carry our specific actions. JavaScript statements may take the form of conditionals, loop or object manipulations.



The assignment operator = should not be confused with the "is equal to" comparison operator == which is used in conditional expressions.


Objects are a critical concept and feature of JavaScript. An object is a collection that can be primitive or composite data, inclusing functions and other objects.



Servoy can reference a large number of built-in JavaScript objects.


The members of an object are called properties. Properties are accessed by placing a period . immediately following the name of the object.


Code Block

Functions and methods

A JavaScript function is quite similar to a procedure or subroutine in other programming languages. A function is a discrete set of statements which perfom some actions. It may accept incoming values (parameters) and it may return an outgoing value.



In Servoy, both methods and functions are accessible from the Servoy Solution Explorer.

Browser DOM vs. Servoy SOM

The Servoy Solutions Object Model (SOM) and the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) are both object models.

Object model

An object model:

  • Defines the interface used by scripts to look at and manipulate structured information, like an HTML document.
  • Determines the make-up and characteristics of an object's component parts.
  • Defines how the parts work.

Document Object Model (DOM)

The DOM is primarily defined by the last two kinds of objects; browser objects and document objects.


  • Enabled programmers to write applications that work with all browsers and servers on any platform.
  • Allow programs to dynamically connect and update the content, structure and style of a document.
  • Define a tree-like representation of the document (also referred to as the DOM tree) so the user can interact with any part of the hierarchy of elements.

Solutions Object Model (SOM)

The Solutions Object Model (SOM) provides a JavaScript-based onject model for Servoy solutions, defined in large part by the first two kinds of JavaScript objects explained above (user-defined objects and buiilt-in objects). Similar to the DOM, the SOM core defines a tree-like representation of Servoy, also known as the SOM tree. All elements are related to each other in hierarchical way.


Here an overview of the Servoy SOM:

Object references

Here is a list of the JavaScript object references and how they apply to Servoy:

  • Object
  • Constructor
  • Properties
  • Functions
  • Methods
  • Forms
  • Elements


An object is a collection that can hold any type of data, including functions and other objects and is the primary mechanism for carrying our useful tasks.


Objects are created using constructors. These are methods that create a fresh instance of an object.


Code Block
var myObject = new Object();


Data contained in an object are said to be properties of the object. Properties are accessed with a dot . operator (a period) followed by the property name.


Code Block


Functions are a special type of JavaScript object that contains executable code. A function is called (invoked) by following the function name with parentheses (). The parenthesis can contain parameters (arguments) which are pieces of data that are passed to the function when it is invoked.



For a complete list of Servoy built-in functions, please refer to the TODO: Programming Reference Guide -> Runtime API section.


Functions that are part (a member) of objects are know as methods.


Code Block


The forms collection contains objects that reference all forms in a solution.


Code Block


The elements collection contains objects contained in the form. You can access elments such as fields, buttons, labels, images, portals, tabpanels and JavaBeans.
