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  • JSPortal

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Comment: Rev: 1377846354666
Wiki Markup
		THE STRUCTURE OF THE CONTENT IS VITAL IN BEING ABLE TO AUTO UPDATE THE CONTENT THROUGH THE DOC GENERATOR.\\		\\		Enter additional information related to this 'class' inside the \{div} macro with 'id=description'{div}

{table:id=|class=servoy sReturnTypes}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th}Extends{th}{tr}{tr}{td}{span:class=sWordList}[JSComponent]{span}{td}{tr}{table}\\ 

{table:id=|class=servoy sSummary}{colgroup}{column:width=80px|padding=0px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Property Summary{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#anchors]
Enables a component to stick to a specific side of form and/or to 
grow or shrink when a window is resized.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#background]
The background color of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#borderType]
The type, color and style of border of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#enabled]
The enable state of the component, default true.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#fontType]
The font type of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#foreground]
The foreground color of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#formIndex]
The Z index of this component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#groupID]
A String representing a group ID for this component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#height]
The height in pixels of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#initialSort]
The default sort order for the rows displayed in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#multiLine]
When set, portal rows can have a custom layout of fields, buttons, etc.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#name]
The name of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSMethod]{td}{td}[#onDrag]
The method that is triggered when (non Design Mode) dragging occurs.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSMethod]{td}{td}[#onDragEnd]
The method that is triggered when (non Design Mode) dragging end occurs.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSMethod]{td}{td}[#onDragOver]
The method that is triggered when (non Design Mode) dragging over a component occurs.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSMethod]{td}{td}[#onDrop]
The method that is triggered when (non Design Mode) dropping occurs.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSMethod]{td}{td}[#onRender]
The method that is executed when the component is rendered.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#printSliding]
Enables an element to resize based on its content and/or move when printing.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#printable]
Flag that tells if the component should be printed or not when the form is printed.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#relationName]
The name of the relationship between the table related to the currently active 
form and the table you want to show data from in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#reorderable]
When set, the portal rows can be re\-ordered by dragging the column headers.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#resizable]
When set the portal rows can be resized by users.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#rowHeight]
The height of each row in pixels.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#scrollbars]
Scrollbar options for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#showHorizontalLines]
When set, the portal displays horizontal lines between the rows.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#showVerticalLines]
When set the portal displays vertical lines between the columns.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#sortable]
When set, users can sort the contents of the portal by clicking on the column headings.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#styleClass]
The name of the style class that should be applied to this component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#tabSeq]
An index that specifies the position of the component in the tab sequence.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#transparent]
Flag that tells if the component is transparent or not.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Boolean]{td}{td}[#visible]
The visible property of the component, default true.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#width]
The width in pixels of the component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#x]
The x coordinate of the component on the form.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Number]{td}{td}[#y]
The y coordinate of the component on the form.{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=|class=servoy sSummary}{colgroup}{column:width=80px|padding=0px}{column}{column}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=2}Method Summary{th}{tr}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSButton]{td}{td}[#getButton]\(name)
Retrieves a button from the portal based on the name of the button.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSButton]\[]{td}{td}[#getButtons]\()
Retrieves an array with all buttons in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Object]{td}{td}[#getDesignTimeProperty]\()
Get a design\-time property of an element.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#getField]\(name)
Retrieves a field from this portal based on the name of the field.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]\[]{td}{td}[#getFields]\()
Retrieves an array with all fields in a portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[String]{td}{td}[#getIntercellSpacing]\()
The additional spacing between cell rows.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSLabel]{td}{td}[#getLabel]\(name)
Retrieves a label from this portal based on the name of the label.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSLabel]\[]{td}{td}[#getLabels]\()
Retrieves all labels from the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[UUID]{td}{td}[#getUUID]\()
Returns the UUID of this component.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSButton]{td}{td}[#newButton]\(text, x, width, height, action)
Creates a new button on the portal with the given text, place, size and JSMethod as the onClick action.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newCalendar]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new calendar field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newCheck]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new checkbox field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newComboBox]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new combobox field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newField]\(dataprovider, displaytype, x, width, height)
Creates a new field on this form.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newHtmlArea]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new HTML Area field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newImageMedia]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new Image Media field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSLabel]{td}{td}[#newLabel]\(txt, x, width, height)
Creates a new label on the form, with the given text, place and size.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSLabel]{td}{td}[#newLabel]\(text, x, width, height, action)
Creates a new label on the form, with the given text, place, size and an JSMethod as the onClick action.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newPassword]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new password field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newRadios]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new radio buttons field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newRtfArea]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new RTF Area field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newTextArea]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new text area field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newTextField]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new text field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[JSField]{td}{td}[#newTypeAhead]\(dataprovider, x, width, height)
Creates a new type ahead field in the portal.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Object]{td}{td}[#putDesignTimeProperty]\()
Set a design\-time property of an element.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}[Object]{td}{td}[#removeDesignTimeProperty]\()
Clear a design\-time property of an element.{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody}{tr}{td}void{td}{td}[#setIntercellSpacing]\(width, height)
The additional spacing between cell rows.{td}{tr}{tbody}{table}\\ 

{table:id=property|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:width=100%|padding=0px}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Property Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=anchors}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.anchors{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[Number]{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var form = solutionModel.newForm('mediaForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var strechAllDirectionsLabel = form.newLabel('Strech all directions', 10, 10, 380, 280);
strechAllDirectionsLabel.background = 'red';
strechAllDirectionsLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.ALL;	
var strechVerticallyLabel = form.newLabel('Strech vertically', 10, 10, 190, 280);
strechVerticallyLabel.background = 'green';
strechVerticallyLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.WEST | SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.SOUTH;
var strechHorizontallyLabel = form.newLabel('Strech horizontally', 10, 10, 380, 140);
strechHorizontallyLabel.background = 'blue';
strechHorizontallyLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.WEST | SM_ANCHOR.EAST;
var stickToTopLeftCornerLabel = form.newLabel('Stick to top-left corner', 10, 10, 200, 100);
stickToTopLeftCornerLabel.background = 'orange';
stickToTopLeftCornerLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.WEST; // This is equivalent to SM_ANCHOR.DEFAULT 
var stickToBottomRightCornerLabel = form.newLabel('Stick to bottom-right corner', 190, 190, 200, 100);
stickToBottomRightCornerLabel.background = 'pink';
stickToBottomRightCornerLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.SOUTH | SM_ANCHOR.EAST;
// This property can be used on all types of components.
// Here it is illustrated only for labels and fields.
var greenLabel = form.newLabel('Green',10,10,100,50);
greenLabel.background = 'green'; // Use generic names for colors.	
var redField = form.newField('parent_table_text',JSField.TEXT_FIELD,10,110,100,30);
redField.background = '#FF0000'; // Use RGB codes for colors.
//HINT: To know exactly the notation of this property set it in the designer and then read it once out through the solution model.
var field = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.borderType = solutionModel.createLineBorder(1,'#ff0000');
var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.enabled = false;
var label = form.newLabel('Text here', 10, 50, 100, 20);
label.fontType = solutionModel.createFont('Times New Roman',1,14);
// This property can be used on all types of components.
// Here it is illustrated only for labels and fields.
var labelWithBlueText = form.newLabel('Blue text', 10, 10, 100, 30);
labelWithBlueText.foreground = 'blue'; // Use generic names for colors.
var fieldWithYellowText = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 50, 100, 20);
fieldWithYellowText.foreground = '#FFFF00'; // Use RGB codes for colors.
var labelBelow = form.newLabel('Green', 10, 10, 100, 50);
labelBelow.background = 'green';	
labelBelow.formIndex = 10;
var fieldAbove = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 30);
fieldAbove.background = '#FF0000';
fieldAbove.formIndex = 20;
var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var label = form.newLabel('Green', 10, 10, 100, 20);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
label.groupID = 'someGroup';
field.groupID = 'someGroup';	
forms['someForm'].elements.someGroup.enabled = false;
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original width: ' + field.width);
application.output('original height: ' + field.height);
field.width = 200;
field.height = 100;
application.output('modified width: ' + field.width);
application.output('modified height: ' + field.height);
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp',rel,10,10,620,460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 200, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.initialSort = 'child_table_text desc';
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp',rel,10,10,620,460);
// Set the fields some distance apart horizontally. By default this distance
// is ignored and the components are put in a grid.
var idField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
idField.background = 'yellow';
var textField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_text',150,100,20);
textField.background = 'green';
var parentIdField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
parentIdField.background = 'orange';
// Disable the grid placing of components, and make the distance between components
// become active.
childrenPortal.multiLine = true;
var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 620, 300);
var label = form.newLabel('Label', 10, 10, 150, 150); = 'myLabel'; // Give a name to the component.
// Now use the name to access the component.
forms['someForm'].elements['myLabel'].text = 'Updated text';
form.onDrag = form.newMethod('function onDrag(event) { application.output("onDrag intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragEnd = form.newMethod('function onDragEnd(event) { application.output("onDragEnd intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragOver = form.newMethod('function onDragOver(event) { application.output("onDragOver intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrop = form.newMethod('function onDrop(event) { application.output("onDrop intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrag = form.newMethod('function onDrag(event) { application.output("onDrag intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragEnd = form.newMethod('function onDragEnd(event) { application.output("onDragEnd intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragOver = form.newMethod('function onDragOver(event) { application.output("onDragOver intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrop = form.newMethod('function onDrop(event) { application.output("onDrop intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrag = form.newMethod('function onDrag(event) { application.output("onDrag intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragEnd = form.newMethod('function onDragEnd(event) { application.output("onDragEnd intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragOver = form.newMethod('function onDragOver(event) { application.output("onDragOver intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrop = form.newMethod('function onDrop(event) { application.output("onDrop intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrag = form.newMethod('function onDrag(event) { application.output("onDrag intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragEnd = form.newMethod('function onDragEnd(event) { application.output("onDragEnd intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDragOver = form.newMethod('function onDragOver(event) { application.output("onDragOver intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onDrop = form.newMethod('function onDrop(event) { application.output("onDrop intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
portal.onRender = form.newMethod('function onRender(event) { event.getElement().bgcolor = \'#00ff00\' }');
var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var slidingLabel = form.newLabel('Some long text here', 10, 10, 5, 5);
slidingLabel.background = 'gray';
var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var printedField = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var notPrintedField = form.newField('parent_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
notPrintedField.printable = false; // This field won't show up in print preview and won't be printed.
// Create the portal based on one relation.
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
var idField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
var textField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_text',150,100,20);
var parentIdField = childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
// Now make the portal be based on another relation.
childrenPortal.relationName = 'parent_to_smaller_children';
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.reorderable = true;
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
// Make the columns resizable. By default they are not resizable.
childrenPortal.resizable = true;
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.rowHeight = 30;
var noScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 10, 10, 100, 100);
var neededScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 120, 10, 100, 100);
var alwaysScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 230, 10, 100, 100);
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.showHorizontalLines = true;
childrenPortal.showVerticalLines = true;
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.showHorizontalLines = true;
childrenPortal.showVerticalLines = true;
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 300, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.sortable = true;
var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var style = solutionModel.newStyle('myStyle','field.fancy { background-color: yellow; }');
form.styleName = 'myStyle'; // First set the style on the form.
field.styleClass = 'fancy'; // Then set the style class on the field.
// Create three fields. Based on how they are placed, by default they will come one
// after another in the tab sequence.
var fieldOne = form.newField('parent_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var fieldTwo = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
var fieldThree = form.newField('parent_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 70, 100, 20);
// Set the third field come before the first in the tab sequence, and remove the 
// second field from the tab sequence.
fieldOne.tabSeq = 2;
fieldTwo.tabSeq = SM_DEFAULTS.IGNORE;
fieldThree.tabSeq = 1;
// Load an image from disk an create a Media object based on it.
var imageBytes = plugins.file.readFile('d:/ball.jpg');
var media = solutionModel.newMedia('ball.jpg', imageBytes);
// Put on the form a label with the image.
var image = form.newLabel('', 10, 10, 100, 100);
image.imageMedia = media;
// Put two fields over the image. The second one will be transparent and the
// image will shine through.
var nonTransparentField = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 20, 100, 20);
var transparentField = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 50, 100, 20);
transparentField.transparent = true;
var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.visible = false;
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original width: ' + field.width);
application.output('original height: ' + field.height);
field.width = 200;
field.height = 100;
application.output('modified width: ' + field.width);
application.output('modified height: ' + field.height);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);
field.x = 90;
field.y = 90;
application.output('changed location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);
field.x = 90;
field.y = 90;
application.output('changed location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);

{table:id=function|class=servoy sDetail}{colgroup}{column:width=100%|padding=0px}{column}{colgroup}{tr:style=height: 30px;}{th:colspan=1}Method Details{th}{tr}{tbody:id=getButton-String}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getButton{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSButton]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getButton{span}{span}\(name){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} name -- The name of the button to retrieve.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSButton] -- A JSButton instance that corresponds to the button with the specified name.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var clickMethod = form.newMethod('function clickMe() { application.output("I was clicked!"); }');
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
var btn = childrenPortal.newButton('Click me!', 400, 100, 20, clickMethod); = 'clickMeBtn'; // Give a name to the button, so we can retrieve it by name later.
// Retrieve the button by name and do something with it.
var btnBack = childrenPortal.getButton('clickMeBtn');
btnBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the button through the array of all buttons and do something with it.
var allButtons = childrenPortal.getButtons();
var btnBackAgain = allButtons[0];
btnBackAgain.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getButtons}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getButtons{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSButton]\[]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getButtons{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSButton]\[] -- An array with all buttons in the portal.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var clickMethod = form.newMethod('function clickMe() { application.output("I was clicked!"); }');
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
var btn = childrenPortal.newButton('Click me!', 400, 100, 20, clickMethod); = 'clickMeBtn'; // Give a name to the button, so we can retrieve it by name later.
// Retrieve the button by name and do something with it.
var btnBack = childrenPortal.getButton('clickMeBtn');
btnBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the button through the array of all buttons and do something with it.
var allButtons = childrenPortal.getButtons();
var btnBackAgain = allButtons[0];
btnBackAgain.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getDesignTimeProperty}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getDesignTimeProperty{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[Object]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getDesignTimeProperty{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[Object]{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
var prop = fld.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getField-String}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getField{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getField{span}{span}\(name){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} name -- The name of the field to retrieve.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance corresponding to the field with the specified name.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var cal = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_date', JSField.CALENDAR, 0, 60, 20);
var tfield = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 60, 60, 20); = 'textField'; // Give a name to the field so we can retrieve it later by name.
// Retrieve the text field by its name and do something with it.
var textFieldBack = childrenPortal.getField('textField');
textFieldBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the calendar field through the array of all fields and do something with it.
var allFields = childrenPortal.getFields();
var calFieldBack = allFields[0];
calFieldBack.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getFields}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getFields{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]\[]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getFields{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField]\[] -- An array with JSField instances corresponding to all fields in the portal.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var cal = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_date', JSField.CALENDAR, 0, 60, 20);
var tfield = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 60, 60, 20); = 'textField'; // Give a name to the field so we can retrieve it later by name.
// Retrieve the text field by its name and do something with it.
var textFieldBack = childrenPortal.getField('textField');
textFieldBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the calendar field through the array of all fields and do something with it.
var allFields = childrenPortal.getFields();
var calFieldBack = allFields[0];
calFieldBack.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getIntercellSpacing}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getIntercellSpacing{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[String]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getIntercellSpacing{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[String] -- A java.awt.Dimension object holding the horizontal and vertical intercell spacing.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var spacing = childrenPortal.getIntercellSpacing();
application.output("horizontal spacing: " + spacing.width);
application.output("vertical spacing: " + spacing.height);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getLabel-String}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getLabel{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSLabel]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getLabel{span}{span}\(name){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} name -- The name of the label to retrieve.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSLabel] -- A JSLabel instance corresponding to the label with the specified name.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var calLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Date', 120, 60, 20);
var textLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Text', 180, 60, 20); = 'textLabel'; // Give a name to this label, so we can retrieve it by name.
// Retrieve the second label by name.
var textLabelBack = childrenPortal.getLabel('textLabel');
textLabelBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the first label through the array of all labels.
var allLabels = childrenPortal.getLabels();
var calLabelBack = allLabels[0];
calLabelBack.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getLabels}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getLabels{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSLabel]\[]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getLabels{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSLabel]\[] -- An array of JSLabel instances corresponding to all labels in the portal.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var calLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Date', 120, 60, 20);
var textLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Text', 180, 60, 20); = 'textLabel'; // Give a name to this label, so we can retrieve it by name.
// Retrieve the second label by name.
var textLabelBack = childrenPortal.getLabel('textLabel');
textLabelBack.background = 'yellow';
// Retrieve the first label through the array of all labels.
var allLabels = childrenPortal.getLabels();
var calLabelBack = allLabels[0];
calLabelBack.foreground = 'red';
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=getUUID}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.getUUID{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[UUID]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}getUUID{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[UUID]{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var button_uuid = solutionModel.getForm("my_form").getButton("my_button").getUUID();
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newButton-String_Number_Number_Number_Object}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newButton{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSButton]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newButton{span}{span}\(text, x, width, height, action){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} text -- The text to be displayed on the button.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the button. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the button.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the button. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
\{[Object]} action -- The JSMethod object that should be executed when the button is clicked.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSButton] -- A JSButton instance representing the newly created button.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var clickMethod = form.newMethod('function clickMe() { application.output("I was clicked!"); }');
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_child', 10, 10, 620, 460);
childrenPortal.newButton('Click me!', 400, 100, 20, clickMethod);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newCalendar-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newCalendar{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newCalendar{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created calendar.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var cal = childrenPortal.newCalendar('my_table_date', 0, 60, 20);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newCheck-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newCheck{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newCheck{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created checkbox field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var chk = childrenPortal.newCheck('my_table_options', 60, 60, 50);
chk.valuelist = vlist;
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newComboBox-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newComboBox{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newComboBox{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created combobox field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var cmb = childrenPortal.newComboBox('my_table_options', 120, 160, 20);
cmb.valuelist = vlist;
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newField-Object_Number_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newField{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newField{span}{span}\(dataprovider, displaytype, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} displaytype -- The display type of the field. Use constants from JSField for this parameter.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);

var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";

var cal = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_date', JSField.CALENDAR, 0, 60, 20);
var chk = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_options', JSField.CHECKS, 60, 60, 50);
chk.valuelist = vlist;
var cmb = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_options', JSField.COMBOBOX, 120, 160, 20);
cmb.valuelist = vlist;
var html = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_html', JSField.HTML_AREA, 180, 60, 50);
var img = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_image', JSField.IMAGE_MEDIA, 240, 60, 50);
var pwd = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.PASSWORD, 300, 60, 20);
var radio = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_options', JSField.RADIOS, 360, 60, 50);
radio.valuelist = vlist;
var rtf = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_rtf', JSField.RTF_AREA, 420, 60, 50);
var tarea = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 480, 60, 50);
var tfield = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 540, 60, 20);
var tahead = childrenPortal.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TYPE_AHEAD, 600, 60, 20);
tahead.valuelist = vlist;
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newHtmlArea-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newHtmlArea{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newHtmlArea{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created HTML Area field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var html = childrenPortal.newHtmlArea('my_table_html', 180, 60, 50);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newImageMedia-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newImageMedia{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newImageMedia{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created Image Media field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var img = childrenPortal.newImageMedia('my_table_image', 240, 60, 50);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newLabel-String_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newLabel{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSLabel]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newLabel{span}{span}\(txt, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} txt -- The text that will be displayed in the label.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the label. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the label.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the label. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSLabel] -- A JSLabel instance that represents the newly created label.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var clickMethod = form.newMethod('function clickMe() { application.output("I was clicked!"); }');
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var calLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Date', 120, 60, 20); 
// This will result in a button being actually created, because we specify an action.
var textLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Text', 180, 60, 20, clickMethod);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newLabel-String_Number_Number_Number_Object}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newLabel{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSLabel]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newLabel{span}{span}\(text, x, width, height, action){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[String]} text -- The text that will be displayed in the label.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the label. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the label.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the label. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
\{[Object]} action -- The JSMethod object that should be executed when the label is clicked.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSLabel] -- A JSLabel instance that represents the newly created label.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var clickMethod = form.newMethod('function clickMe() { application.output("I was clicked!"); }');
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var calLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Date', 120, 60, 20); 
// This will result in a button being actually created, because we specify an action.
var textLabel = childrenPortal.newLabel('Text', 180, 60, 20, clickMethod);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newPassword-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newPassword{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newPassword{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created password field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var pwd = childrenPortal.newPassword('my_table_text', 300, 60, 20);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newRadios-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newRadios{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newRadios{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created radio buttons.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var radio = childrenPortal.newRadios('my_table_options', 360, 60, 50);
radio.valuelist = vlist;
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newRtfArea-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newRtfArea{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newRtfArea{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created RTF Area field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var rtf = childrenPortal.newRtfArea('my_table_rtf', 420, 60, 50);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newTextArea-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newTextArea{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newTextArea{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created text area field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var tarea = childrenPortal.newTextArea('my_table_text', 480, 60, 50);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newTextField-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newTextField{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newTextField{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created text field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var tfield = childrenPortal.newTextField('my_table_text', 540, 60, 20);
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=newTypeAhead-Object_Number_Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.newTypeAhead{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[JSField]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}newTypeAhead{span}{span}\(dataprovider, x, width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Object]} dataprovider -- The data provider for this field. Can be either a column name, or an instance of JSVariable.
\{[Number]} x -- The x coordinate of the field. If the portal does not have the "multiLine" property set, then the x coordinates are used only for determining the order of the columns in the grid. If the portal has the "multiLine" property set, then the components are actually displayed at the specified coordinates.
\{[Number]} width -- The width of the field.
\{[Number]} height -- The height of the field. In a portal the height of all components is set to the height of the first component, unless the "multiLine" property is set.
{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[JSField] -- A JSField instance that corresponds to the newly created type ahead field.{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp', 'parent_to_my_table', 10, 10, 1180, 780);
var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var tahead = childrenPortal.newTypeAhead('my_table_text', 600, 60, 20);
tahead.valuelist = vlist;
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=putDesignTimeProperty}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.putDesignTimeProperty{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[Object]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}putDesignTimeProperty{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[Object]{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
fld.putDesignTimeProperty('myprop', 'strawberry')
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=removeDesignTimeProperty}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.removeDesignTimeProperty{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}[Object]{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}removeDesignTimeProperty{span}{span}\(){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=ret}{td}*Returns*\\{div:class=sIndent}[Object]{div}{td}{tr}{tr:id=sam}{td}*Sample*\\{div:class=sIndent}{code:language=javascript}
var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
{code}{div}{td}{tr}{tr:class=lastDetailRow}{td}{td}{tr}{tbody}{tbody:id=setIntercellSpacing-Number_Number}{tr:id=name}{td}h6.setIntercellSpacing{td}{tr}{tr:id=sig}{td}{span:style=margin-right: 5px;}void{span}{span:style=font-weight: bold;}setIntercellSpacing{span}{span}\(width, height){span}{td}{tr}{tr:id=prs}{td}*Parameters*\\{div:class=sIndent}\{[Number]} width -- The horizontal spacing between cells.
\{[Number]} height -- The vertical spacing between cells.
var childrenPortal = form.newPortal('pp',rel,10,10,620,460);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_id', 0, 100, 20);
childrenPortal.newTextField('child_table_parent_id', 200, 100, 20);