Child pages
  • Foundset property type

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In browser js, a foundset property value has the following content:

Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    serverSize: 44, // the size of the foundset on server (so not necessarily the total record count in case of large DB tables)

    // this is the data you need to have loaded on client (just request what you need via provided loadRecordsAsync or loadExtraRecordsAsync)
    viewPort: {
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 5,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', name: "Bubu", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', name: "Ranger", type: 1 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH3', name: "Yogy", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH4', name: "Birdy", type: 3 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH5', name: "Wolfy", type: 4 } ],

        /** Request a change of viewport bounds from the server; the requested data will be loaded asynchronously in 'viewPort'
          * @param startIndex the index that you request the first record in "viewPort.rows" to have in the real foundset (so the beginning of the viewPort).
          * @param size the number of records to load in viewPort.
        loadRecordsAsync: function(startIndex, size),

        /** Request more records for your viewPort; if the argument is positive more records will be loaded at the end of the 'viewPort', when negative more records will be loaded at the beginning of the 'viewPort' - asynchronously.
          * @param negativeOrPositiveCount the number of records to extend the viewPort.rows with before or after the current loaded records.
        loadExtraRecordsAsync: function(negativeOrPositiveCount),
          * Sort the foundset by the dataproviders contained in sortColumns. The name property can be filled with the dataprovider name the foundset provides or specifies, or if the foundset is used with a component type (like a portal) then the name is the name of the component name on which the sort should happen on.
          * @param {JSONArray} sortColumns an array of JSONObjects {name:dataprovider, direction:sortDirection},
          *                    where the sortDirection can be "asc" or "desc".
		sort: function(sortColumns),
          * Request a selection change of the selected row indexes. Returns a promise that is resolved when the client receives the updated selection from the server. If successful, the array selectedRowIndexes will also be updated. If the server does not allow the selection change, the reject function will get called with the 'old' selection as parameter. 
		  * If requestSelectionUpdate is called a second time, before the first call is resolved, the first call will be rejected and the caller will receive the string 'canceled' as the value for the parameter serverRows.
		  * E.g.: foundset.requestSelectionUpdate([2,3,4]).then(function(serverRows){},function(serverRows){});
		requestSelectionUpdate : function(selectedRowIdxs) 

    selectedRowIndexes: [16], // array of selected records in foundset; indexes can be out of current viewPort as well
    multiSelect: false, // the multiselect mode of the server's foundset; if this is false, selectedRowIndexes can only have one item in it
    columnFormats: { name: (...), type: (...) } // columnFormats is only present if you specify "provideColumnFormats": true inside the .spec file for this foundset property; it gives the default column formatting that Servoy would normally use for each column of the viewport - which you can then also use in the browser yourself


For example a component that shows graphical representation of data might allow adding as many 'categories' to it as the developer wants to (each category getting data from one viewport column/dataprovider) .

.spec file

Code Block
"myFoundset": { "type": "foundset", "dynamicDataproviders": true }


Let's say the developer has chosen a foundset and 3 dataproviders (for example 3 database columns) from it. Those would generate for example a viewPort like this inside the browser property.

Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    viewPort: {
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 2,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', dp1: (...), dp2: (...), dp3: (...) },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', dp1: (...), dp2: (...), dp3: (...) } ],


A web component can specify in it's .spec file that it requires a foundset property and a fixed number of dataproviders from it. The foundset and required dataproviders are then selected by the developer when creating a solution.

.spec file

Code Block
"myFoundset": { "type": "foundset", "dataproviders": ["firstName", "lastName"] }


Let's say the developer has chosen a foundset and selected for "firstName" a foundset dataprovider (for example a database column called parentFirstName) and for lastName another dataprovider (for example a database column called parentLastName). Those would generate for example a viewport like this inside the browser property:

Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    viewPort: {
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 2,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', firstName: (...), lastName: (...) },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', firstName: (...), lastName: (...) } ],


A web component can specify in it's .spec file that it requires the foundset property to provide default formatting information for it's columns. We will use a foundset property with fixed number of dataproviders as an example, but it will work the same for other ways of specifying the dataproviders.

.spec file

Code Block
"myFoundset": { "type": "foundset", "dataproviders": ["image", "age"], "provideColumnFormats": true }


Let's say the developer has chosen a foundset and selected for "image" a foundset dataprovider (for example a database column called 'photo') and for age another dataprovider (for example a database column called 'estimatedStructureAge'). Those would generate a viewport and formatting information similar to the following inside the browser property (note that the column format actual contents might change as needed - this is what Servoy default components receive as well for their component properties):

Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    viewPort: {
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 2,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', image: (...), age: (...) },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', image: (...), age: (...) } ],
    columnFormats: {
        image: {
            placeHolder: null,
            maxLength: 2147483647,
            isNumberValidator: false,
            edit: null,
            isMask: false,
            display: null,
            type: "MEDIA",
            allowedCharacters: null

        age: {
            placeHolder: null,
            percent: "%",
            isNumberValidator: false,
            edit: null,
            isMask: false,
            display: "#,#00.###",
            type: "NUMBER",
            allowedCharacters: null


One child component linked to the foundset:

Code Block
"myFoundset": "foundset",
"childElement" : { "type" : "component", "forFoundset": "myFoundset" }

Multiple child components (array of them, notice 'elementConfig' that specifies a config value for each contained element) linked to the foundset. This type of linking is currently used by Servoy's tableviews, listviews and portals:

Code Block
"myFoundset": "foundset",
"childElements" : { "type" : "component[]", "elementConfig" : {"forFoundset": "myFoundset"} }


'Configuration' object for sending several "foundset aware" types as viewPorts (Note: the "forFoundset" usage for "dataprovider" and "tagstring" types is not yet implemented in first 8.0 public alpha, but it is implemented in first public beta):

Code Block
"myFoundset": "foundset",
"myconfiguration": "MyConfig", // or:
"myconfigurations": "MyConfig[]"
"types": {
    "MyConfig": { 
        "mydataprovider" : { "type" : "dataprovider", "forFoundset": "myFoundset"}
        "mytagstring" : { "type" : "tagstring", "forFoundset": "myFoundset"}

Runtime property access

Runtime usage: in Servoy server side JS 'foundset' typed properties are not currently available. This could change though in the near future to allow access to the real underlying foundset object (and maybe other customisations as well).At runtime, the foundset property is accessible in (server-side) javascript. If a bean named "myFoundsetBasedBean" has a foundset property named "myFoundset" it can be accessed like this:

Code Block

That property gives access in scripting to the real underlying foundset as well as to the dataproviders that the property will send to the client webcomponent (dataproviders contains key-value pairs where key is the name of the column used in web component client side scripting and value is the name of the foundset column attached to that). Both foundset  and dataproviders are read-write values. Examples:

Code Block
// elements.myFoundsetBasedBean.myFoundset.foundset gives access to the
// underlying Servoy foundset used by this property

// elements.myFoundsetBasedBean.myFoundset.dataproviders gives access to the
// configured dataproviders of the Servoy foundset property; probably most useful
// in combination with dynamicDataproviders: "true"
elements.myFoundsetBasedBean.myFoundset.dataproviders = {
	dp1: "userNickname",
	dp2: "userReviewRating",
	dp3: "numberOfPurchasedItems"
if (!elements.myFoundsetBasedBean.myFoundset.dataproviders.rating)
	elements.myFoundsetBasedBean.myFoundset.dataproviders.rating = "userReviewRating";