Child pages
  • Foundset property type

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Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
myFoundset: {
    serverSize: 44, // the size of the foundset on server (so not necessarily the total record count
                    // in case of large DB tables)
    viewPort: {
        // this is the data you need to have loaded on client (just request what you need via provided
        // loadRecordsAsync or loadExtraRecordsAsync)
        startIndex: 15,
        size: 5,
        rows: [ { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH1', name: "Bubu", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH2', name: "Ranger", type: 1 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH3', name: "Yogy", type: 2 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH4', name: "Birdy", type: 3 },
                { _svyRowId: 'someRowIdHASH5', name: "Wolfy", type: 4 } ]
    selectedRowIndexes: [16], // array of selected records in foundset; indexes can be out of current
                              // viewPort as well
	sortColumns: 'orderid asc', // sort string of the foundset, the same as the one used in scripting for 
								// foundset.sort and foundset.getCurrentSort
    multiSelect: false, // the multiselect mode of the server's foundset; if this is false,
                        // selectedRowIndexes can only have one item in it
    hasMoreRows: false, // if the foundset is large and on server-side only part of it is loaded (so
                        // there are records in the foundset beyond 'serverSize') this is set to true;
                        // in this way you know you can load records even after 'serverSize' (requesting
                        // viewport to load records at index serverSize-1 or greater will load more
                        // records in the foundset)
    columnFormats: { name: (...), type: (...) }, // columnFormats is only present if you specify
                        // "provideColumnFormats": true inside the .spec file for this foundset property;
                        // it gives the default column formatting that Servoy would normally use for
                        // each column of the viewport - which you can then also use in the
                        // 	browser yourself

     * Request a change of viewport bounds from the server; the requested data will be loaded
     * asynchronously in 'viewPort'
     * @param startIndex the index that you request the first record in "viewPort.rows" to have in
     *                   the real foundset (so the beginning of the viewPort).
     * @param size the number of records to load in viewPort.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser-
     *                   side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
    loadRecordsAsync: function(startIndex, size),

     * Request more records for your viewPort; if the argument is positive more records will be
     * loaded at the end of the 'viewPort', when negative more records will be loaded at the beginning
     * of the 'viewPort' - asynchronously.
     * @param negativeOrPositiveCount the number of records to extend the viewPort.rows with before or
     *                                after the currently loaded records.
     * @param dontNotifyYet if you set this to true, then the load request will not be sent to server
     *                      right away. So you can queue multiple loadLess/loadExtra before sending them
     *                      to server.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser-
     *                   side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
     *                   That allows custom component to make sure that loadExtra/loadLess calls from
     *                   client do not stack on not yet updated viewports to result in wrong bounds.
    loadExtraRecordsAsync: function(negativeOrPositiveCount, dontNotifyYet),
     * Request a shrink of the viewport; if the argument is positive the beginning of the viewport will
     * shrink, when it is negative then the end of the viewport will shrink - asynchronously.
     * @param negativeOrPositiveCount the number of records to shrink the viewPort.rows by before or
     *                                after the currently loaded records.
     * @param dontNotifyYet if you set this to true, then the load request will not be sent to server
     *                      right away. So you can queue multiple loadLess/loadExtra before sending them
     *                      to server.
     * @return {promise} a $q promise that will get resolved when the requested records arrived browser
     *                   -side. As with any promise you can register success, error callbacks, finally, ...
     *                   That allows custom component to make sure that loadExtra/loadLess calls from
     *                   client do not stack on not yet updated viewports to result in wrong bounds.
    loadLessRecordsAsync: function(negativeOrPositiveCount, dontNotifyYet),
     * Sort the foundset by the dataproviders/columns identified by sortColumns.
     * The name property of each sortColumn can be filled with the dataprovider name the foundset provides
     * or specifies. If the foundset is used with a component type (like in table-view) then the name is
     * the name of the component on who's first dataprovider property the sort should happen. If the
     * foundset is used with another foundset-linked property type (dataprovider/tagstring linked to 
     * foundsets) then the name you should give in the sortColumn is that property's 'idForFoundset' value
     * (for example a record 'dataprovider' property linked to the foundset will be an array of values
     * representing the viewport, but it will also have a 'idForFoundset' prop. that can be used for 
     * sorting in this call; this 'idForFoundset' was added in version 8.0.3).
     * @param {JSONArray} sortColumns an array of JSONObjects { name : dataprovider_id,
     *                    direction : sortDirection }, where the sortDirection can be "asc" or "desc".
    sort: function(sortColumns),
     * Request a selection change of the selected row indexes. Returns a promise that is resolved
     * when the client receives the updated selection from the server. If successful, the array
     * selectedRowIndexes will also be updated. If the server does not allow the selection change,
     * the reject function will get called with the 'old' selection as parameter. 
     * If requestSelectionUpdate is called a second time, before the first call is resolved, the
     * first call will be rejected and the caller will receive the string 'canceled' as the value
     * for the parameter serverRows.
     * E.g.: foundset.requestSelectionUpdate([2,3,4]).then(function(serverRows){},function(serverRows){});
    requestSelectionUpdate : function(selectedRowIdxs),
     * Sets the preferred viewPort options hint on the server for this foundset, so that the next
     * (initial or new) load will automatically return that many rows, even without any of the loadXYZ
     * methods above being called.
     * You can use this when the component size is not known initially and the number of records the
     * component wants to load depends on that. As soon as the component knows how many it wants 
     * initially it can call this method.
     * These can also be specified initially using the .spec options "initialPreferredViewPortSize" and
     * "sendSelectionViewportInitially". But these can be altered at runtime via this method as well
     * because they are used/useful in other scenarios as well, not just initially: for example when a
     * related foundset changes parent record, when a search/find is performed and so on.
     * @param preferredSize the preferred number or rows that the viewport should get automatically
     *                      from the server.
     * @param {boolean} sendViewportWithSelection if this is true, the auto-sent viewport will contain
     *                                            the selected row (if any).
     * @param {boolean} centerViewportOnSelected if this is true, the selected row will be in the middle
     *                                           of auto-sent viewport if possible. If it is false, then
     *                                           the foundset property type will assume a 'paging'
     *                                           strategy and will send the page that contains the 
     *                                           selected row (here the page size is assumed to be
     *                                           preferredSize).
    setPreferredViewportSize: function(preferredSize, sendViewportWithSelection, centerViewportOnSelected),

     * Add a change listener that is interested in knowing of any incoming changes (from server)
     * for this foundset property. See the "Adding a change listener" section below for more information.
    addChangeListener : function(listener)



  • serverSize is controlled by the server; you should not change it

  • viewPort initially has size 0, and startIndex 0. When the component detects that records are available (serverSize > 0) it care request viewPort contents using one of the two load async methods
    • viewPort.startIndex and viewPort.size will have the values requested by the async load methods. But if for example you are using data at the end of the foundset and records are deleted from there then viewport.size will be corrected/decreased from server (as there aren't enough records). A similar thing can happen to viewPort.startIndex. Do not modify these directly as that will have no effect. Use the load async methods instead.
    • viewPort.rows contains the viewPort data. Each item of the array represents data from a server-side record. Each item will always contain a "_svyRowId" ($foundsetTypeConstants.ROW_ID_COL_KEY in angular world) entry that uniquely identifies the record on server. Then there's one entry for every dataprovider that the component needs to use (how those are selected is described below). You should never change the "_svyRowId" entry, but it is possible to change the values of any of the other entries - the new values will be pushed back into the server side record that they belong to (if pushToServer is set on the foundset property to allow/shallow or deep; see "Data synchronization" section of
  • selectedRowIndexes is an array of selected foundset record indexes. This can get updated by the server if foundset selection changes server side. You can change the contents of this array to change foundset selection (new selection will be pushed to server). However, the preferred way of changing the record selection is by using "requestSelectionUpdate".
  • sortColumns is a string containing the sort columns of the foundset, like 'columnA desc,columnB asc'
  • multiselect represents the foundset multiselect state; do not change it as it will not be pushed to server.
  • columnFormats represents the default column formats for the columns given in the viewport; do not change this - only server pushes this information to the client if asked to do so by the .spec file. It is only present if you specify "provideColumnFormats": true inside the .spec file for this foundset property.
  • hasMoreRows true if the server side foundset has loaded only a part/chunk of it's records (in case of very large foundsets). In that case there are records even after 'serverSize'. It is controlled and updated by the server; you should not change it.
