Child pages
  • Component (child) property type

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Table of Contents

Purpose of this property type

The 'component' property type can be used by web components to nest other web components inside them.


NOTE: do not try directly <svy-component-wrapper component-property-value="model.childComponent1"/> as that will not work.

Advanced usage of non-foundset-linked components

For advanced usage (most will probably never want to do this), if the parent component needs for some reason to manipulate child model/behavior, it can do that by specifying each attribute to be set on child separately - and it can intercept 'component' property content or provide there whatever it wants instead of directly the 'component' property type content. The template snippet below will produce identical results as the one above that only sets the "component-property-value" attribute:

Code Block
<svy-component-wrapper tagname="model.childComponent1.componentDirectiveName"

Child components linked to a foundset

Portals, table view, list view use this. They have a set of 'component' properties (an array of them) which is linked to a foundset. The components represent a "row" logically. In this case the browser JS value for the properties will contain the needed data to build up one set of child components for each row in the 'foundset' typed property's viewport. See the 'foundset' property type page for more info about it's usage.

When components linked to a foundset are requested by a custom web component, that component will need to deal itself with how it creates child components in the browser (how will it visually display separate rows/columns of the foundset as child components) and how it links model/behavior between them and the 'component' typed property/properties. The 'component' typed property provides all that is needed to make that work.

.spec file

Code Block
        "myFoundset" : "foundset",

        "childElement" : { "type" : "component", "forFoundset": "myFoundset" }, // or
        "childElements" : { "type" : "component[]", "elementConfig" : {"forFoundset": "myFoundset"} }, 

Above we defined 2 properties: 'childElement" for one child component linked to a foundset, and 'childElements' as an array of child components linked to the given foundset. The foundset is specified using "forFoundset" configuration value. In case of the array property - the configuration value is specified for each element of the array using "elementConfig".

Foundset linked component property value in browser

In browser js, a component property value that is linked to a foundset has the following content (example contents of a child text field in a portal parent):


titleBrowser side provided property content in model


Listening for changes in "model"

You can listen for changes in the model of this component by defining in it a model change notifier similar to what is describled here in the 'performance' section. So:

Code Block
titleThe model change listener
Object.defineProperty($scope.myComponentProperty.model, $sabloConstants.modelChangeNotifier,
                         { configurable: true, value: function(property,value) {

                switch(property) {
                    case "borderType":
                    case "background":
                    case "transparent":


Advanced usage of non-foundset-linked components

For advanced usage (most will probably never want to do this), if the parent component needs for some reason to manipulate child model/behavior, it can do that by specifying each attribute to be set on child separately - and it can intercept 'component' property content or provide there whatever it wants instead of directly the 'component' property type content. The template snippet below will produce identical results as the one above that only sets the "component-property-value" attribute:

Code Block
<svy-component-wrapper tagname="model.childComponent1.componentDirectiveName"

Child components linked to a foundset

Portals, table view, list view use this. They have a set of 'component' properties (an array of them) which is linked to a foundset. The components represent a "row" logically. In this case the browser JS value for the properties will contain the needed data to build up one set of child components for each row in the 'foundset' typed property's viewport. See the 'foundset' property type page for more info about it's usage.

When components linked to a foundset are requested by a custom web component, that component will need to deal itself with how it creates child components in the browser (how will it visually display separate rows/columns of the foundset as child components) and how it links model/behavior between them and the 'component' typed property/properties. The 'component' typed property provides all that is needed to make that work.

.spec file

Code Block
        "recordBasedPropertiesmyFoundset" : ["dataProviderIDfoundset"],

    },     "modelchildElement" : { "type" : "component", "forFoundset": "myFoundset" }, // or
 "enabled": true,      "childElements" : { "texttype" : "Ship Namecomponent[]", "elementConfig"       : {"forFoundset": "visiblemyFoundset":} true}, 
       "tabSeq": 0,
    "modelViewport": [{ "_svyRowId": ".null;5.10643;_0", "dataProviderID": "Alfreds Futterkiste" },
                      { "_svyRowId": ".null;5.10692;_1", "dataProviderID": "Alfred's Futterkiste 2"

Above we defined 2 properties: 'childElement" for one child component linked to a foundset, and 'childElements' as an array of child components linked to the given foundset. The foundset is specified using "forFoundset" configuration value. In case of the array property - the configuration value is specified for each element of the array using "elementConfig".

Foundset linked component property value in browser

In browser js, a component property value that is linked to a foundset has the following content (example contents of a child text field in a portal parent):

Code Block
titleBrowser side provided property content in model
childElement: {
    "componentDirectiveName": "servoydefault-textfield",
    "name": "shipname",
    "forFoundset": {
        "recordBasedProperties": ["dataProviderID"]
    "model": {
        "enabled": true,
        "text": "Ship Name",
 (...)]        "handlersvisible": {true,
        "onActionMethodIDtabSeq": function(args0,
    "apimodelViewport": [{
        "getSelectedText_svyRowId": function(),
   ".null;5.10643;_0", "dataProviderID": "Alfreds Futterkiste" },
    (...)     },     "servoyApi": {        { "startEdit_svyRowId": function(propertyName, rowId)
    },".null;5.10692;_1", "dataProviderID": "Alfred's Futterkiste 2" },
               "apply       (...)]
    "handlers": {
        "onActionMethodID": function(propertyNameargs, componentModelrowId),

These contents can be used to generate what's needed and provide it to a "svy-component-wrapper" (see usage above) or can be used with other angular components out there that generate their own templates for individual components per record (such as uiGrid).


componentDirectiveName: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; the directive tag name of the child web component.


    "api": {
        "getSelectedText": function(),
    "servoyApi": {
        "startEdit": function(propertyName, rowId),
        "apply": function(propertyName, componentModel, rowId)

    "addViewportChangeListener": function(listener),
    "removeViewportChangeListener": function(listener)

These contents can be used to generate what's needed and provide it to a "svy-component-wrapper" (see usage above) or can be used with other angular components out there that generate their own templates for individual components per record (such as uiGrid).

  • componentDirectiveName: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; the directive tag name of the child web component.

  • name: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; whatever handlers the name (property) of the web component has attached (chosen by developer at design-time). See discussion about 'rowId' from servoyApi.startEdit below api: also .
  • forFoundset.recordBasedProperties: not present when not linked to a foundset; read-write; whatever API functions the textfield component provided; initially empty object. When component is linked to a foundset and the server side JS code calls such an API function it should get called in the end on the selected foundset record's child component that represents this component property (there is some support choosing to call on childComponents corresponding to all records, through a forFoundset.apiCallTypes entry, but that is not currently used nor documented here).servoyApi: also only; a list of child component property names that are delivered for each record in the foundset viewport (these properties have different values for each record and will be available in modelViewport).
  • model: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-write; properties of the child component that are the same for all records in the foundset's viewPort.
  • modelViewport: not present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; Servoy specific API provided to be used with web components.
  • startEdit(propertyName, rowId): provided by the 'component' property; it is used by the child component's svy-autoapply directive (if used by child component) or by custom child component directive code to signal that the editing of that cell has started; as you will probaly have one child component representing this 'component' property value for each record in the foundset's viewPort - startEdit requires receiving a 'rowId' argument to know which record entered edit mode. For example the parent component creates a wrapper startEdit(propertyName) function (closure around the rowId of that record - that is always available in modelViewport as "_svyRowId" that will call the 'component' provided startEdit using that rowId) for each record and feeds it to the corresponding angular component. (the rowId argument is not relevant when using non-foundset linked components)
  • apply(propertyName, componentModel, rowId)write; model properties of the child component that have different values for each record in the foundset; this array's indexes correspond directly to the indexes of the linked 'foundset' type property's 'viewPort'; it's contents change when the 'foundset' property's viewPort change. See foundset property type documentation for more about how the viewPort is controlled.
    handlers: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only;whatever handlers the web component has attached (chosen by developer at design-time). See discussion about 'rowId' from servoyApi.startEdit below 
  • api: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-write; whatever API functions the textfield component provided; initially empty object. When component is linked to a foundset and the server side JS code calls such an API function it should get called in the end on the selected foundset record's child component that represents this component property (there is some support choosing to call on childComponents corresponding to all records, through a forFoundset.apiCallTypes entry, but that is not currently used nor documented here).
  • servoyApi: also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; 'componentModel' and 'rowId' are only relevant when the component is linked to a foundset. 'componentModel' is the real object that is given by parent component to the per-record child component at record 'rowId' as model - this is most likely made up of a combination between model and a modelViewport row. See discussion about 'rowId' from servoyApi.startEdit above. Apply pushes a changed dataprovider value of the child component to the record on the server. It is used by svy-autoapply directive or directly by custom child component code.Servoy specific API provided to be used with web components.
    • startEdit(propertyName, rowId): provided by the 'component' property; it is used by the child component's svy-autoapply directive (if used by child component) or by custom child component directive code to signal that the editing of that cell has started; as you will probaly have one child component representing this 'component' property value for each record in the foundset's viewPort - startEdit requires receiving a 'rowId' argument to know which record entered edit mode. For example the parent component creates a wrapper startEdit(propertyName) function (closure around the rowId of that record - that is always available in modelViewport as "_svyRowId" that will call the 'component' provided startEdit using that rowId) for each record and feeds it to the corresponding angular component. (the rowId argument is not relevant when using non-foundset linked components)
    • apply(propertyName, componentModel, rowId): also present when not linked to a foundset; read-only; 'componentModel' and 'rowId' are only relevant when the component is linked to a foundset. 'componentModel' is the real object that is given by parent component to the per-record child component at record 'rowId' as model - this is most likely made up of a combination between model and a modelViewport row. See discussion about 'rowId' from servoyApi.startEdit above. Apply pushes a changed dataprovider value of the child component to the record on the server. It is used by svy-autoapply directive or directly by custom child component code.
  • addViewportChangeListener / removeViewportChangeListener: discussed below (starting with 8.3.2).

Listening for changes in "modelViewport" (part of the model that differs based on record) - starting with Servoy 8.3.2

The property provides client-side (in browser) two methods: addViewportChangeListener / removeViewportChangeListener.

So you can add a listener that will receive updates (row insert/delete/change or full viewport update) similar to how the change listener in foundset property type works:

Code Block
titleAdding a viewportChangeListener
var l = function(viewportChanges) {
    // check to see what actually changed in the component and update what is needed in browser

If you want your listener code to execute after all other properties (foundset property, other child component properties) get their updates, you can use something similar to this.

The "viewportChanges" parameter above is a javascript Object containing one or more keys, depending on what changes took place. The keys specify the type of change that happened. The value gives any extra information needed for that type of change:

Code Block
titlewhat "viewportChanges" parameter can contain:

    $foundsetTypeConstants.NOTIFY_VIEW_PORT_ROWS_COMPLETELY_CHANGED:  { oldValue : ..., newValue : ... },
    // if we received add/remove/change operations on a set of properties from modelViewport
    // corresponding to a record this key will be set; as seen below, it contains "updates" which
    // is an array that holds a sequence of granular update operations to the viewport; the array
    // will hold one or more granular add or remove or change operations;
    // all the "startIndex" and "endIndex" values below are relative to the viewport's state after all
    // previous updates in the array were already processed (so they are NOT relative to the initial
    // or final state); indexes are 0 based
        // sometimes knowing the old viewport size helps calculate incomming granular updates easier
        $foundsetTypeConstants.NOTIFY_VIEW_PORT_ROW_UPDATES_OLD_VIEWPORTSIZE: ...,
        $foundsetTypeConstants.NOTIFY_VIEW_PORT_ROW_UPDATES : [
                    type : $foundsetTypeConstants.ROWS_CHANGED,
                    startIndex : ...,
                    endIndex : ...
                    // when an INSERT happened but viewport size remained the same, it is
                    // possible that some of the rows that were previously at the end of the viewport
                    // slided out of it; "removedFromVPEnd" gives the number of such rows that were removed
                    // from the end of the viewport due to the insert operation;
                    // NOTE: insert signifies an insert into the client viewport, not necessarily
                    // an insert in the foundset itself; for example calling "loadExtraRecordsAsync"
                    // on the foundset property
                    // can result in an insert notification + bigger viewport size notification,
                    // with removedFromVPEnd = 0
                    type : $foundsetTypeConstants.ROWS_INSERTED,
                    startIndex : ...,
                    endIndex : ...,
                    removedFromVPEnd : ...
                    // when a DELETE happened inside the viewport but there were more rows available in the
                    // foundset after current viewport, it is possible that some of those rows
                    // slided into the viewport; "appendedToVPEnd " gives the number of such rows
                    // that were appended to the end of the viewport due to the DELETE operation
                    // NOTE: delete signifies a delete from the client viewport, not necessarily
                    // a delete in the foundset itself; for example calling "loadLessRecordsAsync"
                    // on the foundset property
                    // can result in a delete notification + smaller viewport size notification,
                    // with appendedToVPEnd = 0                                 
                    type : $foundsetTypeConstants.ROWS_DELETED,
                    startIndex : ...,
                    endIndex : ...,
                    appendedToVPEnd : ...


Runtime property access

Since Servoy 8.0.3 , component type is scriptable. Type can be accessed like: 
