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Method Summary
Attachment[] #getAttachments()
Returns an array of Attachment instances corresponding to the attachments of this message.
String #getCCAddresses()
Returns a String with all addresses present in the CC field of this message.
String #getFromAddresses()
Returns a String with all addresses present in the From field of this message.
String #getHeaders()
Returns a String with all headers of this message.
String #getHtmlMsg()
Returns a String with the HTML content of this message.
String #getPlainMsg()
Returns a String with the plain content of this message.
Date #getReceivedDate()
Returns a Date instace corresponding to the moment when the message was received.
String #getRecipientAddresses()
Returns a String with all addresses in the To field of this message.
String #getReplyAddresses()
Returns a String with all addresses in the Reply-To field of this message.
Date #getSentDate()
Returns a Date instance corresponding to the moment when this message was sent.
String #getSubject()
Returns a String with the subject of this message.

Method Details

Attachment[] getAttachments ()

Returns an array of Attachment instances corresponding to the attachments of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getCCAddresses ()

Returns a String with all addresses present in the CC field of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getFromAddresses ()

Returns a String with all addresses present in the From field of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getHeaders ()

Returns a String with all headers of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getHtmlMsg ()

Returns a String with the HTML content of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getPlainMsg ()

Returns a String with the plain content of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

Date getReceivedDate ()

Returns a Date instace corresponding to the moment when the message was received.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getRecipientAddresses ()

Returns a String with all addresses in the To field of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getReplyAddresses ()

Returns a String with all addresses in the Reply-To field of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

Date getSentDate ()

Returns a Date instance corresponding to the moment when this message was sent.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");

String getSubject ()

Returns a String with the subject of this message.
var msgs = plugins.mail.receiveMail(username, password, true, 0, null, properties);
if (msgs != null)
	for (var i=0; i < msgs.length; i++)
		var msg = msgs[i];
		var str = '';
		str += 'From: ' + msg.getFromAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'To: ' + msg.getRecipientAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'CC: ' + msg.getCCAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Reply to: ' + msg.getReplyAddresses() + '\n';
		str += 'Received on: ' + msg.getReceivedDate() + '\n';
		str += 'Sent on: ' + msg.getSentDate() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Subject: ' + msg.getSubject() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Plain message: ' + msg.getPlainMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'HTML message: ' + msg.getHtmlMsg() + '\n\n';
		str += 'Headers: ' + msg.getHeaders() + '\n\n';
		var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
		if (attachments != null) {
			str += 'Number of attachments: ' + attachments.length + '\n\n';
			for (var j=0; j < attachments.length; j++)
				var attachment = attachments[j];
				str += 'Attachment ' + j + '\n';
				str += '	Name: ' + attachment.getName() + '\n';
				str += '	Size: ' + attachment.getData().length + '\n\n';
		plugins.file.writeTXTFile('msg' + i + '.txt', str);
		application.output('Message ' + i + ' retrieved.');
	application.output("Failed to retrieve messages.");
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